Page 34 of Hide With Me (The Game)
I kissed him quickly and squeezed him to me, feeling way too much tension in him. And he yawned against my neck, reminding me he hadn’t slept enough. So that settled it. He could watch TV or sit with me in the kitchen while I threw together a loaf of bread, and then we were gonna eat supper and cuddle the shit out of each other till he fell asleep.
No Little of mine was gonna go tired.
He mumbled something, ghosting his lips along my neck.
“What was that, baby?”
I felt him smile against my skin.
“I said, maybe we should distract each other from that fuckdweeb by going upstairs,” he whined.
I couldn’t lie, I liked the whining. It was cute and unfiltered.
I grinned and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “The only thing we’ll be doing upstairs is sleeping.”
He gasped and inched away to look at me in utter horror.
I laughed. “It’s been a long day. My boy needs his rest.”
He couldn’t hold on to the dramatic disdain now, could he? Instead, he threw his arms around me again and peppered the side of my face with kisses.
“I’m your boy?”
“Damn fuckin’ right.” Warmth and sheer joy flooded me. This was exactly how I wanted him, happy and cuddly and carefree. “And what does that make me?”
He hummed and dragged those kissable lips to mine. “My Daddy,” he whispered.
Fuck yeah. His Daddy.
Gael Grimes
Now was the time to really listen to Kit’s advice.
“If you’re happy, don’t ever ask a Sadist to pinch you, because he will.”
I didn’t know if Santiago was a Sadist, but I wasn’t going to push my luck, no matter how badly I wanted to yell, “Is this real? Please pinch me!”
No amount of fear for Caleb’s potential return in my life could destroy the happiness swirling around inside me. And how Santiago had treated me last night, like I was the most precious boy in the world. I’d almost freaking cried after dinner.
I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.
A small, wounded voice in the back of my head reminded me that Caleb had been wonderful in the beginning too, but Mom’s and Dad’s voices were louder. Not to mention the therapist I’d gone to after the breakup. It was okay to trust again. It was good to be careful and to protect myself, but not everyone was out to hurt me.
I let out a breath and snuggled closer into Santiago’s arms.
He evidently liked to sleep late!
I mean, it was past nine.
I had nothing to rest my eyes on in his empty bedroom either. Except for him, of course, but he seemed to enjoy having my back to his chest—his cock against my butt… Ugh. I wanted it. What were we waiting for? We’d had the safety talk, including protection and safewords, he’d asked about triggers and whatnot, and I’d blushed my way through a stammered ramble about past kink experience.
That talk had been over very quickly.
It was a mindfuck to be turned on and embarrassed at the same time, because I’d had his previous words wreaking havoc in my head.
“When it’s just you and me, I don’t want anything between us. Protection is reserved for everyone else who isn’t allowed to fill my boy with come.”
I exhaled and squirmed against his cock.
My Daddy’s cock.
Holy crapamoly, I had a Daddy. And it was him. It wasn’t just any guy. It was Joshua AKA Santiago Jones, the sweetest, kindest, hottest, most badass Daddy in the world.
Great. Now I was hard again.
So was he, though.
“Careful, chiquito.” His morning voice rumbled against my neck, sending a violent shiver down my spine. “I don’t have the same self-control today that I had yesterday.”
Finally, some good news.
The lust-filled warning gave me courage to be bolder, and I turned around in his embrace. Unf, his sleepy look was so sexy, and his eyes seemed extra green in the morning light.
He smiled faintly and leaned in to kiss me, but I only had time for a quick one. I cupped his scruffy cheek and smooched him soundly, before I ducked lower and brought my pillow with me.
He rumbled a chuckle. “Where do you think you’re goin’?”
To town?
On his cock?
“Down under.” I giggled at my own cleverness and positioned the pillow right next to his cock. Now I just had to get rid of his boxer briefs. He’d told me to sleep naked, but he hadn’t…? Totally unfair. He’d said he wanted to be able to see me properly—and touch me—and that was how Doms functioned. Their logic only applied one way—and only when it suited them.
Santiago lifted the covers some more, then planted his elbow on his own pillow to support his head in his hand. He didn’t say anything, so I made my move. For once, I wasn’t nervous one bit. Just buzzing with anticipation.
When I slipped my fingers into the waistband of his underwear, he threaded his own into my hair, and that had to mean we were a go. Fuck, my mouth actually watered as I pulled down his boxer briefs and revealed his hard cock. The view sent a rush of need through me. I brushed my fingertips through the dark, trimmed hair around his cock, then the pad of my thumb up the underside, tracing the thick vein.