Page 43 of Hide With Me (The Game)
That one had my attention. “Caleb has a car here?”
Joshua inclined his head. “A rental. A buddy of mine accidentally stumbled across some credit card information that he happened to forward to me.”
Accidentally stumbled, sure. I knew how these private contractors functioned. Private investigators, included. Joshua had spent so many years building up a network of connections, and I was willing to bet he was ready to cash in countless favors to track down Caleb.
River eyed the note. “You narrowed it down pretty well.”
“Daddy did detective work on the way!” Gael announced. “It was amazing.”
I smiled. It was impossible not to.
Joshua chuckled. “You’re easily impressed, sweetheart. I just checked the rental place’s fleet online. Those four vehicles are unavailable to rent for the dates I picked.”
“Sounds good,” Reese said, turning to River. “We should reach out to Squeezy. She can at least pin down the exact car.”
River nodded.
The Tenleys were another pair who had more connections than they could count, thanks to their years in the private sector, something they were discreet about. But military folk tended to recognize one another. If someone who was former military said they worked in risk assessment or consulting in a related field, chances were they worked as military contractors.
“This should be over in a few days,” Reese determined. “I’ll let you know when we have something.”
“Thanks, man.” Joshua planted a hand on Gael’s head. “Let’s get settled in at the house, shall we?”
Moments later, Joshua, Gael, and I were on our way again, this time in River’s truck, and the twins took off in Joshua’s truck for a few hours of surveillance in town.
Joshua was on high alert as he drove, though he was subtle about it. He hummed, nodded, and responded on autopilot to Gael’s unfiltered musings that ranged from historic battles to the new design of the nightclub area at Mclean, all while our detective kept an eye on the cars we shared the freeway with.
I’d missed him, I had to admit. Every time Joshua and I had crossed paths over the years, he’d brightened my day. Even when we were using each other to complain about our lackluster love lives. Maybe especially then.
He relaxed a bit once we were off the 495, and I noticed he took some detours along the way. Before long, we drove through a set of wrought-iron gates that’d never been closed, and we hit the private dirt road leading up to Mclean House. The trees that lined the road on both sides needed a few more weeks before welcoming spring.
“…but most of all, I want to reach out to Cam,” Gael was saying. “I want to learn about domestic servitude stuff.”
He did?
“That’s great, querido.” Joshua smiled at him in the rearview. “I’m proud of you, you know that? I’m sure he has tons to teach you.”
I had to turn around and get a look at the boy. “Are you into submission on that level?”
“Sort of?” he asked rather than stated. “I’m very curious about it. I don’t think I have a slave lurking inside me, but I want to find a good balance between being Daddy’s goofball and a sub who has everything ready for him when he gets home from work. Like, Daddy loves to cook, so maybe I can do prep and make sure all the ingredients are out and things like that. And clean and so on.”
The floodgates had opened. I didn’t detect an ounce of shyness anymore. Instead, a boy hungry for the next step in their dynamic.
“I’m sure you’ll find a wonderful balance.” I smiled politely and faced forward again.
Wistfulness wrapped up in envy festered within me. I’d never been the Dominant who required a certain kink in my relationships, other than submission, of course. To me, it boiled down to what kinks came to life when chemistry had its say. I’d shared good dynamics with Littles, with hardcore masochists, with slaves, and with sadomasochists over the years. The kink was rarely, if ever, a deal-breaker.
That said, I had a soft spot for subbies who were into domestic servitude.
“You’re already an excellent helper to Daddy,” Joshua said. “You’re going to help me pick out wallpaper and paint and everything.”
“Yeah! I’m looking forward to that.” Gael beamed. “I need things to look at when Daddy sleeps forever.”
I lifted a brow and eyed Joshua. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those who can sleep all day.”
“Hell no,” he chuckled incredulously.
Okay, good.
“Um, excuse me,” Gael said. “I woke him up at nine.”
But he’d just said— “That’s late, Joshua. By nine, I’ve already showered, gotten dressed, had breakfast, and gone through two newspapers.”
He slid me a look I could only describe as “what the fuck.”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Gael cried out. “Master Dean is on my side, Daddy!”
Master Dean.
Christ. That sounded good coming from his lips.