Page 67 of Hide With Me (The Game)
He’d gotten used to updates about General and whatever class I was taking at the moment. Not that Caleb was harassing me again, and oh, I’d shacked up with two wonderful men from my kink community.
Actually, he was kind of used to hearing about Caleb, and he was reacting to that news much like I was reacting to Caleb’s sudden disappearance—or return to the West Coast. I didn’t know why Santiago and Dean were so suspicious. This was totally what Caleb did. All would be well now until he reached out again in a couple months.
The only difference now was that my fears had faded. I wasn’t scared of him anymore. Meeting Santiago and Dean had given me strength. More than that, I’d finally moved on. Caleb didn’t have a hold on me like he used to.
“You’re late, you two.” Dean narrowed his eyes at us as I climbed out of Daddy’s truck.
“We’re right on time,” Daddy argued.
“Early is on time, and all that,” I quoted, half joking.
“Exactly.” Master gestured at me.
I ran up to him, and he dipped down and kissed me soundly. It was a little crazy, but I’d missed him today. He’d started early, which had cut our morning routine short, and I wasn’t a fan.
“How was work, Master?”
He grinned faintly. “Once I stopped procrastinating and reading your latest arguments in the history group online, I actually got things done.”
I chuckled. That damn AlphaDom69 was at it again, but Master Greer and I shut him up.
“Hey, guys.”
I turned around and spotted Shay climbing out of Reese’s car, and I waved. “Hi, Shay.”
“Is Reese letting you drive his Impala?” Dean seemed surprised.
Shay smirked and pocketed the car keys. “Yup, but he’s plenty nervous.”
Daddy let out a low whistle. “That’s true love. Those two will never let you go.”
I smiled. I remembered when I’d joined Mclean last September—the triad Shay shared with River and Reese had been very new, but they’d appeared 100% solid from the start.
“That’s what I’m hoping for.” Shay’s smirk softened, and he shifted his gaze to me. “I’ll see you up there.”
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.” While I gave these dumb, awkward waves, he’d nailed the badass two-finger wave. He was so cool.
Shay was one of those bad-boy-looking types, all while being super nice and genuine. Not unlike Santiago, who always looked like he’d just rolled out of bed and thrown on his jeans and leather jacket.
I turned back to Daddy and Master. “So you’ll wait for me, right?”
“Of course we will. You can head on up—actually…” Dean faced Santiago. “Did you tell him about Macklin?”
“Fuck—no, I forgot.” Daddy rubbed his forehead and chuckled. “I knew there was something.”
“What?” I asked, curious.
Master took over. “We spoke to Walker and Macklin earlier, and we agreed to give Macklin the green light to warm you up for Thursday’s event—if you’re comfortable with that. Safewords apply, naturally.”
Um. Warm me up? How?
Daddy touched my cheek and smirked a little. “We’ve okayed him to flirt with you, and we’re drawing the line at kissing. Nothing further than that today.”
Holy crap, did Macklin want that?
“It’s always good to see if there’s chemistry beforehand,” Master reasoned.
Yeah, okay, that made sense, but how was I gonna focus on spaghetti if my original Mclean crush flirted with me? Gosh.
“Emphasis on see for us, querido.” Daddy leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth. “Dean and I will be watching.”
Master smiled faintly. “My date with Santiago has turned into a peep show that includes Walker. He’s on his way.”
“We’ll be dining in Macklin’s office,” Daddy explained. “Where we have access to live footage. Walker installed a camera in the section where Macklin and Archie are hosting the class.”
Sweet baby Jesus, February no longer felt cold. I swallowed nervously, and a million butterflies started buzzing around my tummy. Then I glanced up at Dean, and I took a deep breath. As exciting as this was—and boy, was it!—my priority today was to learn to make a pasta dish that would satisfy my Owners. I wanted to please them, first and foremost.
“Do you have any thoughts on this?” Dean asked.
Uh. A million thoughts.
I let out a laugh and shook my head. “My head is stuffed! I’m excited and nervous and determined and flummoxed, all at once.”
“That’s a good mix,” he chuckled and pulled me close. “I suggest we get out of the cold, then.” He kissed the top of my head, and I grinned up at him. “You enjoy your class, little peach. Daddy and I certainly will.”
“Just remember you can safeword anytime,” Daddy murmured. “If you tell Macklin yellow, he’ll bring you downstairs to us—or he’ll take you aside and make sure you’re all right.”
I nodded, though I couldn’t foresee a reason I’d need to safeword. When push came to shove, this was still a pasta-making class, and several others would be there.