Page 78 of Hide With Me (The Game)
“Oh—are you filming, Daddy?”
“Absolutely,” Dean chuckled. “Keep going.”
Gael flushed, half scowling, half grinning, and dropped his gaze. “‘After extensive interviews with your Owners, we are confident that you will suffer sufficiently in our care.’ I have no doubt!” He snickered. “Classes begin on Saturday, and you will report to Headmaster McKenna and Headmistress Darling in the Great Hall at 5 PM. There, you will meet your Professors and Coaches. Welcome to Mclean House Academy. Don’t be late.’ And, um…there’s a bunch of information down here,” he mumbled, squinting. “Oh, there’s a dress code—but I think I have all this. White button-down, black underwear, black shoes. No pants?”
“You’ll be provided with dress shorts and a tie there,” I replied. “Does it say anything about the subjects?”
“Umm…” He shifted from one foot to the other, then grinned sheepishly. “Uh, yeah. Geometry, history, English, PE, and biology. But I suck at math, Daddyyy. Can I only take history?”
Dean rumbled a chuckle, and I shook my head in amusement.
Saturday couldn’t come fast enough.
Gael Grimes
I clutched Santiago’s hand tighter as we headed up the porch steps, and Master walked behind us with the pizza we’d bought on the way.
On a regular day, I could scarf down half a pizza without issues. Today, I’d call it a success if I managed a single slice, which was why I’d suggested we only buy one. And they’d both rejected that at first, stating they were hungry. In the end, they’d ordered a large pie.
If I just kept thinking about pizza, maybe I’d forget I was about to have one of my biggest fantasies ever come true.
Or I’d throw up.
Whichever came first.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. In the very back of my head, I still had wounded little voices saying I didn’t belong here, that I was too chubby to be desired, that I was too awkward for anyone to enjoy being around me, and that I was going to spoil everyone’s fun—but I did my best to ignore every comment. I couldn’t magically regain my carefree confidence overnight, and my Owners knew that. They’d promised me at least one of them would remain by my side tonight.
No music welcomed us once we stepped inside the house, though I could hear voices coming from upstairs, maybe both the second and the third floors.
“Fucking hell, I’m starving,” Dean muttered behind me.
Daddy glanced back at him. “Did you take your ins—”
“Not yet. I will, Dad.”
I laughed nervously, wondering how they could keep up normal banter on an evening like this. Or afternoon. Whatever. Gosh, my stomach felt all unsettled!
“You go to the kitchen,” Daddy told us. “I’ll bring our bags to the guest room.”
Right, he’d booked us a room for the night.
“Hurry, darling,” Dean replied.
I wordlessly followed Master to the kitchen, remembering the last time I’d walked down this hallway to see Reese in his office.
The kitchen was empty, yet whispering of good times. Countless picture frames hung on the short-end walls with photos from parties and events. Dean set the pizza box on the big table before walking over to the cabinets to find napkins. That’s what I assumed, at least. We had soda, and we didn’t need utensils.
He also brought out his insulin kit and semi-discreetly attached a new needle to the pen and injected himself in the side of his stomach. Then he righted his shirt and peered out one of the windows.
He’d taken out his monitor earlier, the one that was usually attached to his arm and kept track of his glucose levels.
“Walker and Macklin just pulled into the carport.”
Oof. My tummy twisted and turned.
“How are you not nervous about tonight, Sir?” I had to ask.
“Hmm?” He turned back to me after discarding the needle. “Why would I be nervous, baby? The only two who matter in the end are you and Joshua.”
The only two who matter in the end…
I needed to remember that.
“I’m crushed, Dean!” someone hollered down the hall.
I hurriedly poked my head out the doorway, finding one of the Tenleys leaving the office. As soon as I spotted the tattoo on his neck, I knew it was Reese.
I grinned. “Hi, Sir.”
“Hey, kiddo.” He ruffled my hair as he passed me and walked into the kitchen. “I don’t matter to you?”
“Least of all you,” Dean drawled. He had a sexy glint in his eyes. “How are you, dear?”
“I’m fantastic. About to get a live porn show with my brother and our boy.” Reese headed over to the fridge and opened it. “Y’all better carb up. We have high expectations.”
I giggled under my breath and sat down at the table, where I shrugged out of my jacket.
“Are you throwing that boy of yours to the wolves?” Dean wondered.
“We thought about it.” Reese grabbed a few bottles of water and closed the fridge again. “In the end—Shay wasn’t really feelin’ it this mornin’ when we woke up, and we’re evidently too territorial. I reckon we’ll wait till we get an opportunity to watch him with Lane and Macklin. I wanna have a word with Kingsley too—see if we can add Tate to the mix.”