Page 97 of Hide With Me (The Game)
“Daddy’s perfect little cocksucker. Almost there—” I clenched my jaw, and it almost became too much. I wasn’t ready yet. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Not fucking helpful to hear Kingsley give in to his orgasm less than two feet away.
Goddamn, I couldn’t resist.
I let go and started coming down Gael’s throat, and my climax was only prolonged by his choking sounds. Not to mention his deep-rooted desire to please me. He didn’t release his grip on me; he pushed himself forward, and I absently brushed away a stray tear rolling down his cheek. Perfect, perfect little love. My darling peach—fuck, he could suck cock. I shuddered violently, my energy draining out of me, and he gulped and swallowed and gagged and swallowed some more.
In the end, I collapsed against the desk again, and Gael panted, sniffled, and sucked me clean.
“Jesus fuck.” I scrubbed a hand over my face.
“Thank you for letting me give you relief, Professor,” he said hoarsely.
I shivered once more, and I tucked myself back into my pants before I pulled him to his feet. “My amazing boy.” I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him hard.
And there it was, his adorable grin.
I kissed him again, tasting myself on his tongue, and hummed. Now I couldn’t wait for the evening to be over.
“Class dismissed!” Kingsley said.
“Three times—three freaking times!” Shay was still pissed he’d dropped the book. Three times.
“On the bright side, your Owners will have fun with your training,” I offered.
The boy huffed and rose to his feet. “I should be an expert at this shit, considering how many times River tells me to hold books and other heavy crap when we do predicament bondage.”
I chuckled.
Out in the hall, we heard Gretchen and Franklin summon all the students to the Great Hall for our last assembly, and Kingsley and I made sure we were the last to leave the room.
Since we had no results to share right away, I was mostly looking forward to the ultimate school cafeteria buffet of sandwiches, apples, mac and cheese cups, pizza slices, and carrot sticks. Perhaps not the latter.
Ivy and Archie had been in charge of the upcoming snack meal, so I felt confident that it would be delicious. I’d heard a rumor about pie too, but I hadn’t confirmed it.
We caught up to Franklin on the way down the stairs.
“Franklin,” I said, and he glanced back at me. “Will there be pie? I heard something about that.”
“Yes, Sir,” he responded. “Archie made apple pie for everyone.”
Oh, wonderful. Now I was really excited.
“Excellent, thank you.”
Members gathered in the club area, where all the chairs had been returned to neat rows in front of the stage. I excused myself briefly to go to the bathroom so I could take my insulin, and by the time I was done, all the brats were seated once more. I took my seat between Lucian and Ty on the platform, and I checked my watch.
I had a feeling my monitor would go off any moment now, though I’d muted the sound.
When two hands clamped down on my shoulders, I glanced up to see Joshua had made it back too.
“Do you have everything you need, sweetheart?” he asked quietly.
“Yes, and there will be pie shortly,” I said, satisfied.
He grinned and shook his head. “You’re too cute sometimes.”
I wasn’t going to argue.
Walker and Penelope took the stage and did a swift job at silencing the brats. The sight of flushed faces, bratty excitement, and exhaustion was a lovely combination to behold, so I’d consider it a successful event.
Walker and Penelope took turns giving their two cents about the day and the brats’ behavior, with Penelope offering the generous praise, “In fact, we only had to dole out punishments to four students.”
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Greer spoke up from behind me. “I just found out I have to carpe both a diem and a brat, so I thought I’d do that out on the lawn after we’ve eaten.”
“Oh, Corey,” Kit snickered from the crowd.
“Crap,” Corey sighed. “Sometimes, regret comes faster than I do.”
I couldn’t help but laugh—and I wasn’t the only one.
“A show to look forward to,” Penelope replied with a nod. “There you have it, students. Your grades will be available on the online forum tomorrow, along with your Professors’ and Coaches’ notes. Dinner will be served in the kitchen in ten minutes, which gives you enough time to clean up, grab a Mclean House Academy T-shirt, and presumably gossip about next month’s Game.”
That sure had every brat’s attention.
Walker delivered the news. “Happy early Easter. We’re going to have an Easter egg hunt in a few weeks.”
“Fuck yeah!” Noa shouted.
“Oh my God, that’s so exciting!”
“Is it, though? The Sadists are gonna find a way to ruin it.”
“They don’t call me a maso for nothin’!”
“Holy crap, can you imagine an Easter egg full of sprinkles and ice cream toppings?”