Page 36 of One More Chance
“Because Aiden was my best friend, and Simone was his little sister. We knew he wouldn’t approve.”
Confusion tugs Rose’s eyebrows together. “Why would he have been against it?”
“It’s a generally accepted rule that you don’t date your best friend’s sister. Especially his little sister.” Because things get royally screwed if the relationship blows up in your face.
“Ooh, so a forbidden romance. Even better.” Rose rubs her hands together and nods for me to continue.
“Our relationship ended once I left for the Marines. It didn’t feel right to have a girlfriend waiting for me in case I never returned home.” Sticking close to the truth always works best in situations like this. Then it’s harder to be tripped up on the lie.
Pain flickers and flares on her wrinkled face, her smile temporarily hidden behind a cloud. Aiden didn’t come home the same man he’d left as.
Neither of us did.
“But once you returned home, things reignited between you and Simone?” Rose lifts her teacup to her mouth.
“No, I was injured and dealing with other issues.” PTSD. “It wasn’t until I visited Portland after I graduated the PT program at Washington State that I bumped into Simone. And the moment I saw her…” I smile at Simone, letting Rose fill in the rest.
“But you still kept things a secret?”
“That’s right. We wanted things between us to progress at their own pace. I knew if Mom even suspected something was going on, she would’ve immediately been planning our wedding.” I don’t have to exaggerate this. I can only imagine what it will be like once we announce our engagement.
A dreamy sigh tumbles from Rose. An equally dreamy smile spreads on her lips, lightens her eyes. “That’s so romantic. We should celebrate. How about we order in some Chinese food for dinner? Maybe you should invite your parents over, Lucas. And you can tell them the big news. Or did you tell them you were proposing?”
“No, Mom and Dad don’t know yet.”
“Are you sure you should be eating Chinese food while recovering from your injuries?” Simone asks. “You should probably have something healthier.”
“No, I’m pretty certain after being stuck in the hospital I get to eat Chinese food.” Rose lifts her chin.
A laugh jolts from my lungs. Simone levels a you’re-so-not-helping expression at me. I try to flatline my lips, but the corners of my mouth won’t have it.
Simone heaves out a breath. “All right, we can have Chinese food tonight. But then you’re back to a healthy diet.”
Rose grins. “As long as it’s not hospital food, you have yourself a deal.” She has the tone of someone who has won the first round and plans to win many more.
“How about we go for a walk, then I’ll call my parents?” I tell Simone. “There are a few items you and I should discuss first.” Before I break the news to them and things get out of control.
Rose picks up the TV remote from her lap. “That sounds like a great idea. And while you do that, I’ll go back to watching my show.”
Simone removes the cup and saucer from Rose’s lap. She makes sure her grandmother is comfortable, and we head out.
“After hearing about your reaction in there when I proposed”—I jerk my head toward Rose’s house—“people will have a harder time believing our engagement isn’t real.” And I know they will hear about it once the gossip grapevine catches wind of it.
Simone smiles and her cheeks turn pink. “Who knew an A minus in high school drama would pay off? Too bad Grams didn’t record it on her phone. Then everyone could see it.”
Yeah, too bad about that.
We walk down the sidewalk, past houses that were built before the Second World War and past infill homes that are fancy, shiny, and new. Past gardens bursting with color. Past yards sadly lacking and blue. And it quickly becomes clear that the woman I proposed to has disappeared into herself.
I reach for Simone’s hand. She startles and snatches it away. She’s not the same woman who sent me letters while I was deployed. I shouldn’t be surprised that she’s changed. It’s been over ten years since we last saw each other. And we’ve both lost someone important to us.
The someone I promised Simone I would keep safe.
“I’m sorry,” I say for so many reasons. “I figured if we’re announcing our engagement soon, people should see us holding hands whenever we’re together.”
“Good idea.” She threads her fingers with mine.
“Blake called me this morning. About the trial date. It’s set for Monday, October twelfth.”