Page 66 of One More Chance
I sniff a handmade bar of lavender soap. “What do you think of this?” I hold it up for Lucas to smell.
He chuckles, his hand on the lower curve of my spine. “In my non-expert opinion, it smells good.”
“Hey, Lucas.” A woman with chin-length blond hair joins us. She smiles at me. “You must be Simone, Lucas’s wife. Congratulations, you two.”
“Simone, this is Rebecca,” Lucas says. “She’s the department head for the PT clinic where I used to work.”
Rebecca nods. “And where you’ll hopefully be working again soon. All your patients have been asking when you are returning. A few of them have been giving Jodi, your replacement, a hard time because they want you back.”
“How is she?”
“She’s good. But she’s not you. And she doesn’t have your military background. Which is a sticking point for some of the veterans.”
“I can imagine. Hopefully they’ll let her do her job to help them. I’d hate to see their progress regress by the time I return because they’re being stubborn.”
“When’s your trial?” Rebecca asks.
“October twelfth.”
“Well, I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed it’s over quickly and I have you back in the clinic just as quick.”
A little girl appears at Rebecca’s side and tugs on her hand. “Mommy. Can we see the baby goats now?”
Rebecca smiles at her. “Of course. One petting zoo coming up.” The pair leaves, and I pick up a different soap.
I sniff it. “Are the temporary PTs in the clinic hired like you were? Or do they come from another source that hires them out as needed?”
“The latter.” Lucas sniffs the proffered soap. “I only know that because the clinic had a temporary PT last year when one of the staff was on maternity leave. The Eugene Extended Care Center is responsible for filling temporary staff at the Veterans Center.”
After I fail to spot the man who was glaring at us earlier, we return to the hayride. Zara has already left for the culinary competitions.
“I was beginning to think you two got lost,” Kellan says, sounding slightly out of sorts.
Emily pats him on the arm. “Ignore him. He’s hungry. He’s always grumpy when he’s hungry.”
“I’m not grumpy when I’m hungry,” Mr. Grumpy proclaims.
Emily raises her eyebrows in a gesture that leaves Kim and me laughing.
“Any sign of the man?” Jerome asks us.
I shake my head. “Whoever it was is either gone, or I just didn’t see him.”
The horse and wagon move forward, revealing the man in question talking to a man wearing a baseball cap, jeans, and a checkered shirt.
Neither is looking in our direction.
The man in the baseball cap appears to be counting out a large wad of money.
“There he is.” I point, and all four Carson brothers and Jerome turn toward them. “He’s the one without the baseball cap.”
“Stay here.” Kellan glances at Emily, Kim, and me, making it clear whom the order is for.
The man in the baseball cap hands the wad of cash to the guy who was glaring at Simone and me earlier. The guy stuffs the money into his wallet and shoves that into his camo-pants pocket. Behind us, one of the horses from the hayride neighs.