Page 86 of One More Chance
But it’s also a topic I’ll eventually have to face.
I just…I just need to get through the next few weeks first.
I just need to survive the anniversary of Lily’s death.
A week after I introduced Simone to Drew and his family, I leave the florist with a bouquet of dahlias.
I head for my SUV, parked in front of the store. A truck pulls up alongside it, and Sebastian climbs out. He pauses and checks his phone.
Perfect timing.
I stride up to him. “Sebastian.” My tone is brisk, and he looks up. If his expression is any indication, I’m the last person he wants to see. “You were there when someone attacked me outside of Barside Brewery. Who was it?”
His gaze darts down the sidewalk, then shifts back to me. “I already talked to the cops about what happened.”
“Great. Now you can tell me.”
“Like I told them, it was too dark and I didn’t see who it was. I didn’t want to be next on the attacker’s list of victims, so I ran. Figured you’d be fine.” Sebastian shrugs. “We were right outside the bar. I knew someone would find you. Like that bouncer.”
“So you have no clue who attacked me?”
I don’t believe him. And I also don’t know if he’s telling the truth about why he bailed. Was he really afraid that he would be attacked? Or did he not want to be caught in the presence of the attacker for another reason?
“Now, if you don’t mind,” Sebastian says. “I want to get my mother some flowers before the florist closes.” He walks past me.
I turn around, not interested in leaving things where they are. “You might want to mention to whoever you were talking to that night that I told the cops what I overheard in the bar. They’re keeping an eye on the Wakefields.” And if my brothers and I get even a whiff of suspicion that Robert and Tuuli are in danger, we’ll be out there stalking their property, making sure whoever is threatening them ends up in jail.
Sebastian doesn’t respond and enters the store.
I drive home. Simone and Jasper are in the backyard when I arrive. Simone is playing chase with him and laughing. Her hair glows softly in the sun, the beams of sunlight kissing her bare arms and legs. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.
Gorgeous and she’s mine.
She looks toward me and grins. “Hi, Cannon.”
I walk over to her and gather her in my arms, careful not to crush the flowers I bought for her. Then I kiss her—because I can.
Almost two weeks after I confronted Sebastian, I walk into the dim kitchen to find Simone sitting at the table, looking the same way she has for the past week.
Like a zombie.
Rain hammers the window, but even two days ago when it was hot and sunny, Simone wasn’t the same woman she was a week ago.
The change in her has taken root over the past several days, like a vine creeping up a wall. Slowly. Imperceptibly. I didn’t notice it at first. Now the leaves are starting to show, and I can’t ignore something’s not right.
She lifts her spoon to her mouth as if the effort is too much to bear. I’m not sure she even registers that I’m in the room. Her eyes are vacant, staring at something other than the wall I’m seeing.
Even though she works from home, she usually dresses as though she’s going out. She puts effort into her appearance. Hair, clothes, makeup always perfect.