Page 124 of One More Secret
I hand him the phone, and he scrolls through the various shots of Bailey. Some are obvious misses. Others capture her boundless energy and playfulness, her curiosity and innocence.
An unexpected wave of regret for showing them to him swells inside me, threatens to pull me under. “I still need to edit them,” I tell him, my uncertainty building with each passing moment.
Troy continues looking at the photos but doesn’t say anything.
He hates them.
That shouldn’t bother me, but it does. So far, he and my dead husband have nothing in common. I was hoping, praying, that would also be true when it came to my photography.
Troy hands my phone back to me, a wide smile on his handsome features, and my heart rate kicks up once more. “You’re really talented, Jess.” A sweet reverence hugs each vowel, kisses his consonants. “Why did you stop?”
I shake my head. “That falls under the category of something I can’t tell you. It’s enough that I did stop. But since Robyn’s encouraging me to reexplore my old passions…” I leave the rest of the sentence hanging, letting him fill in the blanks.
“It’s a good thing you did take it up again. I’d hate to see you give up photography when you’re so good at it. It would be a waste.”
I smile, the curve of my lips as wide as his, my heartbeat still fast and fluttery. “Thank you.”
Troy stands and helps me up.
“There’s something I wanted to discuss with you,” Troy says as we head to the back door. “My assistant’s mother had a stroke, so Jayne’s returning to Texas to look after her, possibly indefinitely. Would you be interested in the position? It’s full time. The pay and health benefits are good. And Bailey can stay by your side while you’re working.”
I stop walking and turn to him. “I have a job.” Caution stains my words, but I don’t know why. The assistant job would solve the problem about being a puppy raiser when I’m not with Bailey all the time. Guilt coats my insides like algae on an aquarium. I’m failing her when it comes to my responsibilities. Failing Bailey and the person who will eventually be her parent.
Troy rolls his shoulders as if preparing to battle. “A job that causes flashbacks and has you so tense, you’re a step away from having a panic attack every time you work.”
“Zara told you?” My voice is scratchy and leapfrogs an octave on the final word.Of course she told him.
“About the flashback? Yes.”
“Did she tell you it wasn’t as bad as last time?” That I wasn’t holding a knife?
“She did. But you can’t keep living like this, Jess. Zara told me she can find someone else to replace you.”
Replace me?
The bitter taste of rejection numbs my body. Just when I think I’m safe, that no one’s going to push me away, I’m proved wrong.
Warm fingers rest lightly on my arm. I flinch. “Hey, Jess, breathe. You’re not losing Zara as a friend. You can still do all the things you’ve been doing with her, Simone, Em, and Avery. The hanging out together at Picnic and Treats. The hiking. That won’t change.”
Troy’s hand shifts to the lower curve of my spine. The movement is cautious and this time I don’t flinch or cringe or pull away. The touch is gentle and soothing. It lacks any hint of possessiveness, lacks a need to control me.
I relax into his hand and breathe deeply.
Troy kisses my brow. “It’s up to you what you want to do. I’m just providing you with another option. I need a new assistant. The job’s yours if you want it.”
“Okay,” I whisper. “As long as Zara’s all right with it. I don’t want to leave her short an employee and scrambling to find someone else.”
The warm breeze brushes my cheeks, flicks loose strands of hair around my face that have fallen from my ponytail.
“Don’t worry about Zara. She’ll be fine.” The reassuring smile on Troy’s face somehow does its job, and I relax a little more.
The smile turns mischievous, his eyes heated. “I’ve been craving another kiss all day.”
He’s not the only one who’s been thinking about last night’s kisses, who still feels them on their lips, still tastes them on their tongue.
His beautiful, warm brown eyes ask the question he doesn’t give voice to. I nod my reply.
He lowers his mouth to mine, igniting every cell in my body. Embers flicker and burn, smolder and heat. They incinerate regret and fear and torch my past humiliations. And then it’s just Troy and me kissing. Kissing and exploring the warm, wet depths of his mouth.