Page 52 of One More Secret
“I know enough to want to be your friend, Jessica. You can never have too many of those.”
She nods, but uncertainty clouds her expression. Strands of hair have slipped from her ponytail, and a light gust of wind blows them in her face.
I curl my fingers into a loose fist, fighting back the urge to tuck the strands behind her ear, to touch her cheek. “We’ll take things slow.”
“Is that okay, we’re friends? Okay, we can take things slow? Or okay, I can help with the renovations in the evenings?”
“All of that.” She says it with great determination and no second thoughts.
I don’t ask her to clarify what “taking things slow” means for her. Getting her to agree to being my friend and letting me help her with the renovations is a big enough step. For now.
“How about I order pizza after the hike, and we go back to your house? You can show me what you’re thinking of doing to the place, and we can discuss the options.” It’s the perfect excuse for spending more time with her after we’re finished hiking.
She hesitates for a second, clearly thinking my suggestion through, and nods. “All right. We can do that.”
“It might take a few meetings to hammer things out, and then we can determine our plan of action. Do you know what kind of budget you’re looking at?”
She states a reasonable number for the amount of renovations the place will need.
But that might change if there’s asbestos in the house.
And if there is—which I suspect is the case—Jessica will need to stay somewhere for a few days or a week while it’s dealt with.
Possibly my place. If she has no other options.
Why pay for accommodations when she can stay in my extra bedroom for free?
My body will just have to get over the fact she’s off-limits.
March, Present Day
Maple Ridge
I’ve always lovedSan Diego, with the blue skies and the sand and the sea. But as much as I loved those things, this area, with the pine trees on either side of the hiking trail, and the clean fresh scent of nature, is quickly becoming a new favorite location.
Which is why the hike is more enjoyable than I’d expected.
The only thing that isn’t enjoyable is the growing ache in my back over my wound. I’m not worried I’m inflicting more damage to the healing injury. I won’t bleed out. But it’s clear I haven’t fully recovered from it and the lifesaving surgery.
I fix my face into a pain-free, peaceful expression. I don’t want the hiking to end prematurely. But I have a feeling that’s what will happen if Troy believes I’m struggling. I’ve noticed him glancing at me numerous times, even though he doesn’t voice his concern.
Emily stops ahead of Garrett and Kellan and spins around. “I’m ready for lunch.”
I could almost kiss her. I’m not hungry. I just need to sit for a bit. Catch my breath.
“We’re almost at the top.” Kellan’s voice is loud enough to carry to me. “We can stop there to eat.”
She turns sticks her tongue out at him. “God, you’re so bossy.” Her grin suggests otherwise.
I don’t want to ask how much farther because I don’t want to disappoint anyone. And I don’t want to give away that I’m finding this a challenge.
“It’s only about five more minutes,” Troy tells me as if reading my mind. “I can give you a piggyback ride if that helps.” He winks at me in the flirty protective way I’m starting to recognize as his trademark when he’s with me. It’s more about putting me at ease than anything else.