Page 72 of One More Secret
The cost might also be a factor. Does she even have health insurance? Or resources to pay for therapy?
“Maybe she’ll be more willing to open up to a therapist than she is with us,” Zara says. “But either way, if she experiences a repeat of what happened today, I will have to let her go. I won’t have a choice. I can’t risk any of my staff getting hurt.”
“I understand.”
“I’ll call her once I finish here.”
“Thanks, Zara.”
A low huff echoes through the line. “I’m not doing this for you, Troy. I’m doing it for Jess.”
I laugh, a near-quiet sound deep in my throat, and push away from the counter. “I realize that. But thank you anyway.” I open a cabinet door, the dark-gray wood contrasting with the cream counter. Both I installed last year. I grab a glass and fill it with water from the tap.
“Can I ask you something?” she asks.
I don’t have to see Zara to know her gaze is narrowed. I can hear it in her tone. “Depends on what it is.”
“You like her, don’t you?”
A chuckle rumbles in my chest, and I walk over to the table in the living room. “Seriously, Zar? First you ask about me and Olivia, and now you’re asking about me and Jess?” I shake my head in disbelief, even though she can’t see me. “If you’re asking if Jess is my friend, the answer is yes.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
“Yes, I’m attracted to her. No, I’m not doing anything about it. Not yet, anyway. I don’t know what happened to her, but it’s not hard to figure out she’s got trust issues.” I pour the water onto the potted sage in the center of the table.
Zara doesn’t respond right away, the beat stretching for a long moment, but I know there’s more coming. “Troy, I love you like a brother and I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be with her that way. Be her friend. Be the man who helps her renovate her home. But don’t be the man who might break her heart.”
What the fuck?“Why do you think I’m gonna break her heart?”
What sounds like another long-weighted sigh comes from Zara’s end. “It won’t be intentional. But how many long-term relationships have you had?”
I frown. “What does that have to do with anything?” My words come out harsher than planned.Stand down, soldier.
“I’m just saying your relationships tend to last only a few weeks, with one exception. And that’s when you actually do date.”
“I don’t have time to date. I’m running a business. And I don’t see you settling down with anyone. When was the last time you dated, Zara? Two years ago? Three?”
“Touché. But that’s my point. Our businesses come first. Neither of us has time for romance.”
“Maybe I’m ready to settle down. I’m not against having a family one day soon. But that’s beside the point.” Just because I’m not actively searching for a future wife, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to get married and have kids. Eventually. But living in a small town does limit the possibilities.
“And what point is that?” Zara asks.
“That I’m helping Jess out as a friend. She’s new in town and doesn’t have many friends yet. She admitted that at the Vet Center this afternoon. And I get the feeling she’s not sure where any of us fit on the friendship spectrum.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m her friend. And as her friend, I’m warning you not to break her heart.”
“I promise, I won’t. Right now, my goal is to be her friend and to help her in whatever way she needs.” Plus in a few other ways that I’m not telling Zara about.
One related to the call I’m making next.
March, Present Day
Maple Ridge