Page 45 of North Bound
Nick lies down beside her, his hand still around his dick. ‘Sit on my face, Scarlett. I want your pussy. Now!’
She climbs on top of him and Nick grabs her hips, pulling her down, his tongue immediately getting back to work. Faced with his cock, Scarlett hesitates briefly.
But Nick isn’t prepared to wait. Leaving one hand holding her tight against his face, his other massages his dick and balls, his hips rotating as he plays with himself. Scarlett joins in, running her tongue along the tip when he holds it upright. Nick groans against her and lifts his hips, sliding his dick into her mouth.
As soon as she sucks him, he goes into a frenzy, his tongue laps at her clit then pushes deep into her pussy, over and over again, the rhythm matching his hips as he drives himself deep into her mouth.
There’s no more thinking at that point. Nothing to distract her from what he’s doing to her and his thick dick fucking her mouth hard. When his hand drops to the back of her head, Scarlett moans loudly. He takes hold of her ponytail, holding her steady, keeping her where he wants her as his hips pump rapidly. He’s close to coming, his stomach clenching, the muscles rolling under her.
Nick sucks on her clit hard, the sensation running through her body, taking the breath from her. She comes, her whole body tensing as his tongue continues to massage her, drawing it out. All the time he keeps up the pace, using her mouth in the best way possible. His body tenses under her, then he groans against her pussy as he comes down the back of her throat.
He releases his hold on her hair, but Scarlett isn’t finished. His dick is still twitching and feels too good, and she’s not ready to let him go yet. He swipes his tongue along her, the slow laps helping to bring her down from her orgasm.
When she releases him, she flops onto the bed, lying beside him as she tries to catch her breath. The bed moves under her as Nick joins her. He kisses her, his tongue possessively driving into her mouth.
‘I love tasting me on you.’
She couldn’t agree more. ‘I love tasting me on you.’
He chuckles, giving her one last deep kiss before he lies down and drops his arms across his face. ‘I really like eating that delicious pussy. That’s going to happen a lot. Just advance warning.’
‘Thanks for the warning, but go for it.’
He rolls over to face her and smirks. ‘I was giving you a heads up, not asking for permission.’
There’s no doubt he’s in her head. She doesn’t want him to ask - just to take. She barely knows this man, but she knows she trusts him. But it’s foolish to trust someone she doesn’t know. Even more foolish to do anything like this with him. But there’s something about him that makes her want to do things with him she’s never contemplated doing with anyone else.
‘Just say stop.’
‘I’m sorry?’
‘You can trust me. I know that means nothing. I could just be saying it, but I swear I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to. I’ll know if I go too far.’ He taps the side of her head. ‘You won’t be able to hide it from me, but just in case, tell me to stop. I want you to enjoy this, enjoy me.’
‘I have to admit, you’re off to a good start, Santa.’
He grins, his eyes whitening again. ‘You call me that while I’m fucking you, and you’ll be in trouble.’
‘Good trouble or bad trouble?’
‘You’re going to make this fun, aren’t you?’
Scarlett smiles whenshe walks down the stairs and finds Nick in the kitchen, making dinner. They’d spent the last few hours in bed, and only took a break because they were both hungry. She stumbles to a stop when she sees what he’s wearing. ‘Dear God! What exactly are you trying to do to me?’
He spins around and flashes her a smile, when he realises what grabbed her attention. ‘What? You don’t mind me borrowing this, do you?’
Never in her life could she have imagined her Snoopy apron could look so damn good. ‘No! Go for it! Do you want me to wash your clothes for you?’
‘I’ve got a wash on. Hope that’s okay. I didn't exactly pack a lot of outfits. I wasn’t planning on staying overnight anywhere.’
She stands in her living room and watches as he turns back to the cooker, exposing his naked ass to her. ‘No. I don’t mind in the slightest. That’s one image of Santa I never thought I’d have in my head!’
‘I can take it off and give you another image?’
‘I wouldn’t want you to do yourself an injury while you’re cooking. Best to stay covered... for now!’
She sets the table, while Nick finishes their dinner. This is so much worse than any crush she’s ever had. It’s more than a simple crush on a random guy. She wants Nick like she’s never wanted anyone before, and it’s driving her to distraction.
She fills a glass with water and goes back into the living room, trying to put some distance between them.