Page 64 of North Bound
Eve glances at the workers watching everything happening below them. ‘Back to work everyone. He doesn't need any onlookers. I’ll keep everyone posted.’
Scarlett hears a few grumbles, but the room empties, leaving her and the other members of his team.
‘I’ll get everything ready to go for him and have a new uniform brought to his room. I’ll make sure this level is sealed off. Kane, no one gets near him without going through one of the team or you. Got me?’
The silent bodyguard nods, so Eve leaves to get things ready for Nick.
She tenses as Damon puts a chair next to hers and sits down. His black eyes lock on her. ‘You really give a fuck about him, don’t you?’
‘Yes, I do. I'm guessing you do too.’
He shrugs and looks back at Nick. ‘I’m the Boogeyman. I don’t have friends. Except for him. Santa and the Bogeyman. Who’d believe that story?’
‘He speaks highly of you.’
That seems to surprise Damon. ‘He does? He spoke of me?’
‘Yes. He mentioned you quite a few times. Will he be able to... reconnect?’
‘I don’t know. Eve seems confident, so I’m going with that. But he’s never been away from the workshop at Christmas. Never had to deal with the power surge without the protection this place offers. They are linked though. This is the only way to save him.’ He leans back in the chair and crosses his arms. ‘All we can do is wait, and hope for the best.’
One minute Nick islost, deep in a dream, and the next a surge of power hits his body, sending his muscles into spasm. Seriously painful spasms that drag him from his dreams.
He opens his eyes, shouting as the pain intensifies, then somehow manages to scramble to his feet. The wall he bangs in to stops him from landing on his ass, but also adds a sore back to everything else wrong with him.
His body is buzzing, the power racing through his limbs. He slams his palm against his chest. His heart is pounding! The damn thing is beating against his rib cage like crazy. His world tilts to the side, doubling him over as the sensation of falling increases. Someone holds him up, keeping him in place, until everything stops spinning.
Suddenly, he is thrown back against the wall when someone launches themselves at him. As soon as her arms wrap around him, he buries his face in Scarlett’s hair, her scent instantly comforting him. He can’t believe she’s here! Maybe he’s still dreaming.
‘Welcome back, Santa. You scared the hell out of me!’
He moves back so he can look at her properly. Her pale skin is covered in Púca blood, as is her top, and her hair is a tangled mess. ‘Are you okay? Were you hurt?’
‘Your team came to the rescue just in time. I’m fine. But, how are you feeling? Have you reconnected with your magic? Is that what you had to do? I’m sorry. I’m still trying to get my head around all the terminology.’