Page 81 of North Bound
‘This isn’t your fight, Scarlett.’
‘They’re going to harvest his power. This is my fight. Do you know who is behind this?’
‘I believe it is a member of his team. No one else has access to him as they do. And no one but a legend could take his power.’
‘Do you know which member?’
‘Unfortunately not. I can still feel Nick’s presence. As far as I can tell, he’s still in Lapland. I would imagine they are attempting to wake him. When he arrives I’ll know. I’ll bring you to him.’
‘Why are you doing this? Why are you helping, after you’ve been cut off the way you have?’
‘Redemption perhaps. I don’t expect to be allowed in Nick’s team. Not at all. But being allowed to live, without hiding from them would be a pleasant change. I am tired of looking over my shoulder.’
Nick paces his bedroom, trying to get his messed up head in the game. The nightmare Reve gave him was awful. He gets why he had to do it. There was no other way of waking him, but reliving his wife and daughter’s crash was something he never wanted to do again.
And now Krampus has Scarlett.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Christmas is done for another year. Killing him now would mean nothing. There was no reason to take her. All that gets Krampus is a seriously pissed off Santa coming after him with two loaded barrels.
Krampus has history with Santa over the years. He’d heard the stories from the workers and the previous Santa. It was assumed Krampus would make an appearance when Nick signed his contract, but he never showed up. To be honest, he thought Krampus had slithered under a rock decades ago and given up.
Historically, he’d approached every Santa, bargaining for his place among the group to be reinstated. Nick’s predecessors had turned him down. Nick would have too, had Krampus tried. There’s no way anyone in their right mind would agree to work side by side with someone who wanted to punish the naughty kids, like he used to centuries ago.
If he hurts Scarlett, Nick will tear the bastard’s head from his shoulders. He falls against the wall, bracing himself before he whacks his head. Less than a day of sleep had done nothing for his body. He still feels as crap as he did when he collapsed into bed after the run. The sickening headache is turning his stomach every time he moves.
How the fuck is he going to fight Krampus and whoever else he’s convinced to join him? He’s going to get his whole team killed. Scarlett too.
Damon suddenly appears by his side, helping to hold him up, as his legs go from under him. ‘Thanks. Is everyone here?’
‘They’re on the way. You need to sit down.’
Nick pushes Damon off him. ‘I’m fine. I need to find her, Damon. I have to find her. He has her, because of me. I’ve done this.’
Damon shoves Nick against the wall, harder this time. ‘You need to take a second. You’re exhausted.’
‘I don’t have time to take a second.’
‘You can barely stand. This is me, Nick. I know you. How long can you keep going before you collapse?’
‘As long as I need to.’
‘Stubborn fucker.’ Damon grabs his face in his hands and looks him in the eyes. ‘Don’t move.’
‘Shut up and let me help you before you drop.’
Nick tries to shut his eyes, but Damon is stronger than he is at that moment, keeping them open and focused on him. The dark cloud in Damon’s eyes moves towards him and he fights to get out of Damon’s grip.
‘Stop fighting, Nick. I swear I won’t hurt you.’
He doesn't have much of a choice, bracing, as the cloud consumes him. When it fades, Nick blinks, then shoves Damon off him. ‘What is it with people forcing themselves into my head today?’
‘Did it work?’
Nick holds his hands out in front of him. No trembling. He’s strong, the exhaustion that accompanies the run, suddenly gone. ‘What did you do?’
‘I transferred some of my power to you. It should keep you going until we get Scarlett back. You’ll hit the ground hard afterwards, but it’ll get you through.’