Page 83 of North Bound
Scarlett tucks herlegs under her, then flicks through the pages of the book Talen showed her. Learning about the history of Nick and his team is bizarre. Everyone knows the stories of Santa and the others, but the fact these were all regular men, before they signed a contract, is the part she can’t quite get her head around. Talen passes her a glass of water and sits back beside the fire.
The more time she spends with him, the more of the man she sees behind the monster. She really does feel sorry for him. She can’t imagine what it would be like to have a monster like that fighting for control every day. Is it that way for all the men?
Does Nick struggle with whatever the Santa contract brings? She hadn’t noticed anything unusual about him like Damon and Talen, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, under the surface.
She shivers and pulls the chair closer to the fire. Talen’s home is freezing, the only warmth coming from the fire in one of the rooms. The entire dwelling is barely standing. She very much doubts he has the means to repair it. It’s not like he can find regular employment looking as he does.
In spite of his lack of funding, Talen is clearly making the most of his situation. In the equally dilapidated barn to the back of the cottage, he has a cow and some chickens, supplying him with eggs and fresh milk, while the small garden is providing him with the vegetables he needs. He hunts for anything else, such as rabbit which is on the menu for tonight. The smell coming from the kitchen is heavenly.
She can’t imagine what it would be like to live as he has been for decades - perhaps longer. Having to hide away from the world because of how he looks would be difficult enough. When you add the threat of Nick and his team to that, she has no idea how he has managed to survive so long.
No doubt the demon inside gives him strength.
She turns the page and faces yet another creature from legends she’s heard about over the years. All real. All creatures Nick has faced at some stage since he signed his contract.
‘You appear more confused than you were when you first began reading.’ Talen sits in the chair opposite her, manoeuvring until his tail can slide through the hole he carved in the back. It must be a nuisance to live with that feature more than any of the others.
‘It’s a lot to take in. I can’t believe these creatures are real. I’ve heard about all of you from a young age, but this,’ she says, tapping her hand against the book, ‘this is...’
‘Unbelievable,’ he finishes with a grin.
‘To put it mildly. How have you... I mean legends like you, not been seen?’
‘Of course we’ve been seen. That’s where the tales you were told originate. Some humans have even tried to capture us.’
He nods. ‘The Tooth Fairy especially is one who must be careful. Many have come close to capturing him.’
She slowly lifts her head. ‘Excuse me? The Tooth Fairy is a guy?’
‘The last I heard, yes, but I’m not exactly up to date with the contracts. That may have changed.’
‘I suppose it’s not that hard to believe considering Cupid is a huge guy with tattoos.’
‘It would make it too easy to identify, and potentially capture us, if we were what people expect. Hunter is as far from the image of Cupid as you can get.’
Scarlett laughs loudly. ‘You can say that again! Okay, so you may have a point there. None of you are what I expected.’
When he smiles, she sees so much of the man hidden under the demon. ‘That’s appreciated.’
‘Can I ask you something personal?’
He glances over to her and nods. ‘I haven’t had anyone ask me anything for a long time.’
‘I’ve just been reading about the contracts. Can you not... I don’t know, get out of yours? I apologise if that sounds a bit stupid. I’m still trying to get my head around all of this.’