Page 97 of North Bound
‘Yeah, well do me a favour and stop. And what exactly was I supposed to do, huh? I live here. I’m Santa. She’s got a job and a life in Ireland. The two don’t mix. You know that.’
‘And she was in agreement? She was happy to let you send her home?’
‘Oh come on Eve. We were together for a week. One fucking week! I wasn’t going to ask her to give up her life to move out here with me after one week.’
‘Why not?’
He tries to walk away from her, his appetite suddenly gone.
‘Don't walk away from me.’
‘You don’t tell me what to do, Eve. It’s the other way around. I’m in charge here. Don't forget that!’
‘Oh wind your neck in!’
Nick’s mouth opens and closes, partly in shock at what she said, and partly because he hasn’t got a fucking clue how to react to that. He’s not usually one for pulling rank. He just did it now to shut her up. Looks like she saw right through it, and him.
Eve leans back against the counter and looks him dead in the eye. ‘You like her, Nick.’
‘I was making a statement. It didn’t need a response.’
‘You intentionally trying to put me in a worse mood?’
‘I’m your friend and I care about you actually. I’m trying to make you see sense, before it’s too late.’
Now he feels like an asshole, but he keeps the glare in place.
‘Nick, you've done this job tirelessly for thirty-five years. Apart from the odd one night stand, you’ve been alone for the majority of that. That’s a long time.’
‘I can’t do it, Eve. Not again,’ he adds before he can stop himself. That’s what it really boils down to. He lost his family thirty-seven years ago, but the pain is still as fresh today as it was then. He can’t do that again.
After Scarlett was taken, it brought it all back to him how fragile life is. Losing his family nearly destroyed him. He doesn't think he’d be able to survive that again.
And there’s no fucking way he’s going to put her in that kind of danger again. Being connected to him will do just that.
Eve surprises him by taking his hand. And he surprises himself by not pulling away. ‘What happened to your family was tragic. I can’t imagine what it was like for you. But that doesn't mean it will happen again. You can’t hide from love because you’re scared.’
‘You think I’m hiding?’
‘Of course you are. And I’m not blaming you. But nothing in your contract states that you can’t fall in love and be happy. You’ve been hiding behind this job, killing monsters in the dark, for too long. Being Santa doesn't mean you block off all other aspects of your life. That’s not what’s supposed to happen. You’re allowed to have a life, Nick.’ She pauses and smiles at him. ‘And I’m sure your wife and daughter would want you to live your life to its fullest.’
‘It’s not that simple, Eve. One week to decide on a lifetime of watching me leave her to fight. A lifetime of having a target on her back. I’m having a hard enough time knowing you’re in danger, because you work for me. The same goes for everyone in the workshop. Don’t ask me to add anyone else to that list.’
‘That’s how you feel? I never knew.’
‘I’m in charge. It’s my job to make sure you’re protected.’
‘And you do that Nick. You’ve given each and every one of us an amazing life.’ She holds out the plate with a freshly made sandwich. ‘Now it’s your turn. I hate to think of you walking away from something that could change your life.’
‘I’m fine, so drop the fucking subject! Please. Is Jok here yet?’
Eve sighs loudly, then shakes her head. ‘No, Boss, but he’s on the way.’
‘Did he get Reve’s replacement?’
‘He did. The Sandman’s pendant identified a suitable successor. He’s accepted the contract.’