Page 32 of Trust Me
“Are you going to tell me why?” I didn’t know why I was pushing this. But for some reason I needed to know.
She hesitated. “Well, like I said, I was going to tell her today at the salon. You heard what she said at brunch that day—or maybe you didn’t—but she was pushing the idea of us getting together even then. So I thought she wouldn’t care. But then I realized today that shedoescare. She cares a whole hell of a lot. And she doesn’t want this to be a short-term, casual thing with us. She wants me for a sister-in-law.”
I guffawed. “Well, yeah. Of course she does.”
“But she can’t have that. I don’t want to get married.”
She said that defiantly, with an antagonistic tilt of her chin, like I was standing there with a shotgun and a minister. It was a little insulting to my pride. “Well, Nora, I would say we’re on the same page there,” I drawled.
She flushed. “Oh, I know. It’s not you I’m worried about. It’s Suzie. She’s going to push, and annoy, and stick her nose in where it’s not wanted. Then it won’t be fun anymore. It’s not that I’m never going to tell her,” she added hastily. “I was thinking maybe that conversation will go better when you’re already gone.”
I considered that. Did I want my little sister to constantly harass me about the state of my relationship with Nora? No. No, I did not. I didn’t want a long-term commitment any more than Nora did. “I can agree to that.”
The relief on her face was palpable. But this time, I didn’t take offense. To be honest, I was a little relieved myself. I liked how things were between us. Easy. Simple. Telling Suzie would make it the opposite of that. I would have to declare my intentions or some shit. And since my only intention was to get laid as well and as often as possible until it was time to move on, that didn’t seem like something I should declare to Nora’s notoriously over-protective best friend. Especially since that best friend was my sister.
Plus, Suzie was a meddler. If she knew we were dating, however casually, she wouldn’t be able to help herself. She would Do Things. God only knew what those things would be, but I sure as hell didn’t want any part of them.
“Good,” Nora said. She took an emphatic bite of her s’more. The marshmallow oozed and she moaned. Her food sounds were a lot like her sex sounds, a fact that did not escape the notice of my dick. “Oh, man. I always forget how good these are. So, we’re in agreement? This isn’t a relationship. We’re just having fun, and Suzie doesn’t need to know anything until you’re gone.”
Another bite was followed by another moan.
“Stop that,” I said. “You’re making my pants uncomfortable.”
She blinked at me in surprise. Then her gaze dipped to my crotch and then back to my face. “Poor baby.”
She didn’t sound the slightest bit sincere. She sounded pleased. Maybe even a little smug.
Well. Two could play that game.
The yard was spacious, and no one was within eavesdropping distance, but we were far from alone. A quick glance around assured me that everyone else was occupied with their own thing.
I took a step forward. “You have a…”
“What?” she asked.
Another step and I was close enough to touch her. “A spot of chocolate. Right here.” She didn’t, but that didn’t stop me from rubbing the corner of her mouth with my thumb.
“Is it gone?”
“No.” I ducked my head and touched the tip of my tongue to the spot where my thumb had been. She inhaled sharply, and I lingered for a moment longer than necessary. She tasted sweet, of chocolate and marshmallow and Nora. “All better now.”
And then I put a good three feet of distance between us, just in case anyone happened to glance our way.
“Oh,” she said, her voice scratchy. Her hand flew to the spot I had touched.
She looked a little dazed. I felt good about that. Not that putting my mouth so close to hers had dampened my lust—I was dangerously close to being unsuitable for a family event—but at least now I wasn’t alone in my frustration.Not gonna slip your mind again, am I, kitten?
“Uncle Michael!” Dimitri shouted. “Is it dark enough to see Saturn yet?”
“Yeah,” I called back. “Let’s set up the telescope.”
Nora stood, brushing graham cracker crumbs from her dress. A moment later, we were accosted by kids. Sam and Suzie came too, but they were less boisterous. Carly barreled into Nora, causing her to go back a step—right into me. I steadied her with a hand on her hip.
“Sorry,” she murmured. Then she swiveled her backside against me and tossed a wicked smirk over her shoulder.
I bit back a groan.