Page 38 of Trust Me
I kept my tone light. “We always knew that, didn’t we? So do we want to be all dramatic and talk about relationship shit that won’t exist in two months, or do you want to come over, have a glass of wine, and make out?” I paused, then pushed the next words out in a rush. “Bring a bag. You can spend the night.”
It only took him a second to think it through. “I’m on my way.”
I was a ball of nervous energy. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, butterflies flapped in my belly, an ache throbbed between my legs. It was hard to tell where the anxiety left off and the arousal began.
Arousal, because in a few minutes, Michael would be here. To make out, apparently. That was the invitation I had issued. Like we were freaking teenagers or something. God, I hoped he knew I meant sex. No way was I going to be satisfied with kissing and a little over-the-bra action. Not when I knew what it was like having him inside me, stretching me nearly to the point of pain.
Anxiety threaded through the arousal, complicating what should have been a straight-forward hookup. I had never invited him over before. I wasn’t the instigator in our relationship. I didn’t seek him out. I didn’t text or call or suggest dates. Once I was there, sure. I was more than happy to get naked. Not just get naked, either. I was happy just to be in his company, whether that meant going for a run or a hike, hanging out with Suzie and his family, or just talking. But for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to ask for it, even though it was exactly what I wanted.
Until now.
Now, I finally asked for it. While simultaneously telling him we didn’t matter. And I meant it, but in agoodway. Because if this thing with us was temporary, then he never had to see my ugly side. More importantly, I never had tobethat. I could be the best version of myself instead. The Nora who was funny, kind, understanding…and never jealous. Even I could pull that off for two months.
I wanted more than sex against a wall and the backseat of my SUV. Fun as all that was, spending the night at his place opened my eyes to how much I was missing by insisting we keep this to a series of casual hookups. So what if this was temporary? That didn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy each other for the next seven weeks. And there was something to be said for sex in a bed. Where we could both be all the way naked and I could fully enjoy him the way I wanted to. Forhours, not minutes.
I caught sight of my reflection in the gilded mirror above the fireplace and frowned. I had changed out of my dress the second I got home. Now I was wearing my comfy loungewear, which consisted of soft, pale green shorts with a scalloped hem that ended right where my ass met my thighs and a matching camisole. Should I change? I looked cute, but I wasn’t after cute. I wantedmake him beg for mesexy.
I was halfway up the stairs when the heavy knock at the door sent me scrambling back down again. I pulled off my fuzzy socks, rolled them into a ball, and tossed them under the couch. Then I yanked out my messy topknot and fluffed my hair around my shoulders.
I opened the door. “Hey,” I breathed, hoping I sounded sexy and not just out of breath. Which I was.
Michael’s gaze dragged over my body like he was a starving man and I was his favorite dessert. I felt warm all over. “Just so we’re on the same page,” he said, pushing past me into the entryway, “when you invited me here to make out, you meant…?”
“Sex,” I clarified, shutting the door behind him.
The entryway was a small, maybe four feet square, with a narrow antique console table on one wall and a row of coat hooks on the other. Michael dominated the space, filling it. He was tall and solid—having had my hands all over him, I could attest to exactlyhowsolid—and I was hyper-aware of his heat at my back. I turned around to face all that delicious warmth and was immediately hauled off my feet into a kiss that was somehow as sweet as it was hungry.
“Thanks for coming,” I said against his lips.
“Not yet. But I will. And so will you.” He nuzzled my collar bone, nipping gently with his teeth, making me gasp. “Three times. At least. That’s what kind of night it’s going to be.” He carried me out of the entryway, setting me down in the living room and dropping his overnight bag next to me.
Oh. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that, when it came to sex with men, I counted myself lucky if I had one orgasm and didn’t need to finish myself off later. Then again, orgasms hadn’t been a problem with Michael. Who was I to dissuade his dreams? Let the man try.
“Clothes off, kitten,” he ordered.
“Here?” I squeaked. “Now?” Because I had just been fantasizing about getting him into my bed and keeping him there for a good long while.
“Here. Now,” he confirmed. “It’s time for orgasm one.”
I wasn’t about to argue, not with orgasms two and three promised. I crossed my arms over my torso like an X, grabbed the hem of my cami with both hands, and pulled it slowly over my head. He inhaled sharply as I revealed my bare breasts, not looking disappointed at all that I hadn’t had time to change into sexy lingerie.
I moved on to my shorts, shimmying them down my hips and legs, and then stepping out of them, leaving me naked except for a pair of white cotton underwear with yellow daisies all over them. He seemed to like them, too.
When I didn’t remove them, his gaze flicked to my face. “You’re not done.”
“I’m not?” I tilted my head, widening my eyes with false innocence.
“I saidoff, kitten. Everything.”
The command sent a shiver through me. I complied immediately, then kicked my underwear aside. I didn’t feel awkward standing there totally naked. I’d never been ashamed of my body, and I figured if a man was interested in sex with mebeforeI took my clothes off, it was highly unlikely he would change his mind once I was naked.
But Michael…it felt different with him. I didn’t want him to be merely satisfied with how I looked. I wanted him to bethrilled. Because that was how I felt about him. I had never wanted someone so badly in my life. Had never felt this much heat or attraction. I wanted it to be the same for him.
I watched him closely. Watched his hungry gaze take me in from head to toe. Watched the color on his cheeks heighten. Watched his hands clench into fists as though he was fighting not to touch me. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen, watching him watch me, desire and need stamped all over his face.
“Over there,” he said. “The, um…”