Page 61 of Trust Me
“Stop freaking out,” Michael mumbled into my hair.
I ignored his advice and continued to freak right the fuck out. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about you go ahead to Suzie’s and explain everything, and I’ll come over this afternoon after she’s had some time to cool down? She can’t kill you. You’re her brother.”
“No.” He dropped a kiss on my shoulder. “You don’t want me to do that.”
He was right, damn him. Sure, it would avoid a confrontation with Suzie, but at what cost? Things would never be right between us again.
He rolled us so I was flat on my back and he was on top of me, his forearms braced on either side of my head to take his weight. “What are you so worried about?”
“I’m going to lose her.” The words were out before I could stop myself.
“Because you lied? Come on. She’ll get over that.”
“No, it’s not that.”
His forehead crinkled. “You think she won’t be your friend anymore because you’re dating me? This isn’t middle school.”
“No, I think she won’t be my friend when I’mnotdating you.”
He jerked as though slapped. “What? What do you mean,when?”
“If.” Semantics. It wasn’t like either of us were batting a hundred in the romance department. Neither of us could claim a relationship that lasted forever, even though we’d both taken those vows. Divorce rates for second marriages were even more dire than first marriages.
I sighed. “Ifwe break up, Suzie and I won’t stay friends. It would have been different if you were leaving Hart’s Ridge. She couldn’t be mad at that because it would just be circumstances, not anyone’s fault. Now if we break up, it will definitely be my fault.”
“You don’t really think I’d let you take the blame for a breakup, do you? Anyway, if we break up—” he paused, then repeated the word with more emphasis. “Ifwe break up, it’s not her business why.”
“This might come as a shock to you, Michael, but people haven’t minded their own business since cave drawings were the preferred method of gossip. People care about each other. That’s what we do. We seek connections. You’re her brother. I’m her best friend. Suzie’s not going to agree that we aren’t her business.”
“She won’t cut you out. That isn’t her.”
“Right. And you know this because she and Alison are such good friends now that you’re divorced,” I said, my voice laced with enough sarcasm to fill the ocean.
“That’s different. They were never good friends, so why should they be now? They got along okay, but they weren’t ever close. Not like you and Suzie.”
But that meant my betrayal would cut deeper. And there was no doubt in my mind that Suzie would count breaking up with her beloved brother as a betrayal.
I didn’t answer. If I thought more about this, I would chicken out of talking to Suzie. I decided to distract him instead. I kissed the indentation between his collar bones, the tip of my tongue darting out to taste.
“Hmm.” My lips moved to his neck.
“We have to talk about this.”
I dragged my nails lightly down his sides and heard his breath catch as I traced the waistband of his boxers.
“I know what you’re doing.” His voice was strained.
I moved my hand between us and rubbed my palm up and down the length of him, feeling his morning wood harden even more. His hips rocked against me. Wetness surged between my legs.
“I’ll allow it.” He groaned as I wrapped my hand around him and squeezed. “This time.”
His hands slid under my flannel—hisflannel, but I had no intention of giving it back—and he pulled it up and over my head. The cool air shocked my skin but then his tongue was there and he sucked my nipple into his warm mouth. I arched against him, my hand stroking his cock faster.
He shifted his hips away from me to yank my underwear off and then he was back between my legs. He held his weight up with one arm and used his other hand to guide himself against me, circling my clit with the head of his cock before dipping inside an inch and then pulling out again. He repeated the process until I was writhing beneath him from the sweet torture.
“Please, Michael. Oh, god, please.” I pressed my hands against his ass, begging him to go deeper.