Page 14 of The Debt
“He said it’s about the meeting from earlier this week, sir.” That meeting had not gone well at all. Through my research, I discovered he wants to use my technology for sex trafficking. They want to place a chip under the slave’s skin in order to keep track of them and be able to send a pulse to shock when needed.
“I need you to come to the house, Harold, to keep an eye on Rebecca. I don’t want him even spotting her.”
“Already on my way, sir.”
I end the call and scrub at my face. Rebecca would be the perfect girl for his business; with her pale milky skin, long blonde hair, and blue eyes she is what is referred to as a snow bunny and is highly sought after. Add to that the fact she is well known, and people would pay even more for her. And no one was going to lay a hand on her, not if I could help it.
After having a shower in water so hot it burned, I dress in one of my sharpest charcoal black suits. I may be at home, but he needs to see that wherever I am, I am in command of the situation. I hear a knock on the door separating my living area from the rest of the property and I head out to answer it. As soon as the door slides open, I see Harold there, his face pinched with concern.
“What is it, Harold?”
“Miss Kennedy isn’t in her room, sir. She must be somewhere else in the house.”
“Fucking hell,” I mutter under my breath. I pull up the software for tracking her whereabouts on my phone and wait while it finds her location. “In the library on the second floor. Keep her there.” He nods in recognition and heads toward her.
I walk toward the front entrance and spy Richard standing there. At first glance he appears like any other businessman because he has some legitimacy, coming from quite a well-known family who have made their money in financial planning. His eyes scan the items around him while he waits.
“Richard, what brings you to my home? And on a weekend, no less.”
His focus leaves the Monet painting on the wall and homes in on me, a sly smile forming on his lips. “I wanted to discuss with you the SAT45 with you again. And make another offer for the technology. I think you will find this one even better.”
I immediately want to throw him out; for every second he is here there’s a chance he will spot Rebecca. And with his outwardly charming persona there is the possibility he could draw her to him. I lift my hand and show him the office I had told Rebecca she could use, and he wanders in ahead of me. Once we have both taken a seat and are comfortable, I place my clasped hands on the desk in front of me.
“I am not going to sell you the technology, Richard,” I inform him.
“Why on earth not? I’m offering you way more money than anyone else has for it,” his nasally voice retorts.
“Because I know the real reason you want to use it isn’t for animals as you claim, but for women.” I pause as he raises his eyebrow.
“Don’t be daft, Black. You’re not going to let those ridiculous rumors cloud your judgement, surely. Not when I’m willing to offer you three hundred and fifty million dollars for the technology.” His offer has increased by fifty million since our last meeting. While the money itself is a nice tease, I won’t be taking it.
“Your new offer is greatly improved from the last one, however, I still won’t be selling it to you.”
“You’re a madman, Black. Risking that much money for the sake of some rumors. Why the hell would I bother with sex trafficking when I can have any woman who looks at me?”
“I don’t know why you do what you do, Richard, but you are not welcome in my home any longer. You have said your piece and I have heard you out. Now leave.” I hear the bite of anger in my tone. He just settles further back in his seat getting comfortable. I stand from my place and walk out of the office to open the front door.
Just as Richard takes his first step into the area near the open door, we hear a woman’s laughter coming from above us.
“You never told me you had another guest, Black.” His eyes take on a mischievous glint and he turns on his heels to climb the steps.
The moment Rebecca comes around the corner, her arm in the crook of Harold’s, a feeling washes over me. I want to tear him limb from limb for even touching her. The moment Harold sees Richard approaching, he pulls her tighter to him and places himself between them. His position as Rebecca’s protector now obvious, although it is a role, makes me desperate to portray myself as the same, if only she will let me.
“Well, aren’t you a rare beauty indeed,” Richard exclaims. “I’m Richard Lexington the third, and you are?”
“A guest of Mr. Black’s,” she replies curtly as they walk past him. Harold bends down and whispers in her ear and she pads down the staircase quickly, coming directly for me, not stopping until our bodies meet. When she throws her arms around me and kisses me on the cheek, I slide one of my arms around her and relish the feeling of our bodies connecting once more. And at just how natural and right it feels.
“There is no need to be so impolite, lass. I was merely saying hello,” Richard calls while descending the staircase, Harold right on his tail. Once at the bottom, he wanders over and takes a step closer to us. I pull Rebecca tighter and she snuggles even closer into my side, inspiring my inner beast to smile at her wanting to be as close to me as possible.
“Well, you shouldn’t have presumed it was okay to come speak to me, then should you, Mr. Lexington. I heard Mr. Black ask you to leave and yet you continue to be in our home.” At the wordour, immense satisfaction blooms in my chest.
“So, you live here with Mr. Black then? Why is it we have never heard of you having a wife then, Black? Especially one as beautiful as this creature clinging to you.” Richard directs this question at me.
“Because it’s none of your fucking business,” I murmur back.
“All right, all right. Keep your secrets, Black. Maybe the beautiful creature at your side could convince you to sell me that technology. Has he told you that he is turning away three hundred and fifty million dollars? I mean, just think what you could spend that money on, sweetheart.” I feel Rebecca’s fist at the back of my jacket.
“If Mr. Black has indeed refused you then I am sure there is a good reason for it. He wouldn’t be who he is today without knowing exactly how to conduct his business.”