Page 26 of The Debt
His eyes search my own, waiting to see what I’m not saying. “What are your two conditions?”
“There is no backing out of this again. You shut me out, I’m gone,” I state, strength in my voice.
“Agreed. And your second condition?”
I make him sweat for a moment, knowing this next statement could backfire, but also knowing it will provide us with the strongest front against everyone else.
“If they are coming after me to get to you, we may as well tell the entire world who I am, so they know who they are messing with, don’t you think?” I arch an eyebrow.
“Your family can’t protect you, Rebecca, only I can—” he starts.
I hold up a hand to stop him. “I didn’t mean telling them that I’m a Kennedy, I’m talking about telling the world that I’m a Black.” I sit perfectly still, taking in his beautiful face. I see his cogs turning, comprehending what I’ve just said.
A small smile forms on his lips. “Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“I don’t know what you’re thinking, so how do I know if we are thinking the same?” I volley back. I make a move to get off the bed and he follows, taking my hand in his.
“Well, giving you my name and marking you as a Black is certainly a bold move, I’ll give you that. You would have my name and my protection for the most part, but you will also be sending up a signal to everyone of who you are to me—”
“And who am I to you, Alexander? Who are we going to tell the world I am to you?” I interrupt.
“I need to do this right.” He lets go of my hands and disappears into a side room I hadn’t noticed before. He returns a few seconds later with a crushed velvet box, an exact replica of the one my bracelet came in all those months ago; this one however is smaller. He comes to a stop right in front of me and bends his large frame to kiss me on the cheek, before continuing till he is on bended knee in front of me.
I smile down at him. “Well?” I ask.
He give me a nervous. “Rebecca, when I first laid eyes on you, you captivated my attention like no one ever has. When we spoke for the first time, I was even more under your spell. Then we fought, and I saw your spitfire attitude, I was enthralled, and when we made love for the first time, I knew it was forever with you.” He opens the box in his hands, and I move my eyes from his face to the ring sitting inside. “Sweetheart, I know our life won’t be a bed of roses, but I promise it will be full of love. I’ll love you more every day and you will always be my top priority. I will love you and protect you, and it would be an honor to spend the rest of my life with you as your husband. Marry me, Rebecca.”
I feel wetness on my cheeks from the silent tears falling. “Promise me this isn’t just going to be a publicity stunt, Alexander. Assure me this is real,” I whisper.
“Sweetheart, I won’t ever say anything I don’t mean. So, you’d better believe that when I tell you something, it’s the truth. I am asking you to be my wife for no other reason than because I want to marry you.”
“Yes, Mr. Black, I will marry you.” I smile down at the man I love.
“Thank god,” he murmurs under his breath. He pulls the ring from its cushion and slides it onto my left-hand ring finger; it fits perfectly.
I bring my hand up so I can closely examine the ring he has chosen. A large navy blue pear-shaped solitaire diamond sitting in a plain platinum band. The color of the diamond almost perfectly matches the diamonds in my bracelet. “Blue diamonds aren’t cheap, and with the amount I’m wearing now, I think I’ll be a target for mugging,” I joke.
“You are worth every single pound I have. Do you like it?” An earnest expression appears across his features.
I leap into his arms and he catches me, his reflexes incredibly quick. “No. I don’t like it.” I give him a kiss on the lips. “I absolutely love it.” Then, because I can, I kiss him again, biting his bottom lip hard. His answering groan calls to me. “Now it’s time to consummate this engagement, don’t you think?” I ask.
“Isn’t that what you do once you’re married?” he asks, whilst walking back toward his bed.
“True, but I’d rather do it now too. No point in tempting fate.”
“Very true. I don’t want to curse us by not loving the beautiful creature who just agreed to marry me, now do I?” He drops me onto the bed, and I scoot up on my hands and knees, waiting for him to kneel between my legs and bring his hard erection to my entrance.
“Don’t be gentle, my love,” I command.
He slams home in one swift move, and I scream his name.
“Wasn’t planning to be, sweetheart.” His mouth captures the lobe of my ear. His rhythm is punishing and exactly what I need. I reach behind me and claw at his arm, digging my nails in as hard as I can, then dragging them across his flesh. He hisses at my touch. “More,” he roars, so I do. His skin slapping against my own helps build my oncoming climax.
“Harder.” He flips me over in one swift move so I am facing him, then pulls me down on his hard cock till I am completely full. My head arches back in ecstasy as he brings me down a second time and I explode. “Alexander!” I scream.
“That’s right, love, scream my name. I own your pleasure.” He grunts at me, then his hand comes to my clit and he pinches it so hard it keeps my orgasm rolling through me and I see stars.
“Yes, yours,” I pant. I feel him swell and with one final thrust he lets go inside me. We ride the wave together until he softens and slides out. I fall across his chest and bite his nipple, hard.