Page 33 of The Debt
“I might have to give her a test ride beforehand,” a man to our right comments. I haven’t seen him before, so I don’t know if he is a friend portraying one of these hideous characters or a real foe.
“You can have her when you pay for her, Lawrence,” Alexander bites out, his fingers digging into the side of my hip. It’s painful, but I won’t let them see that. Instead, I think of a way to show his dominance to the other men.
I turn inward, so I am facing Alexander, not wanting anyone to see the movement of my mouth as I speak.
“Kiss me, Alexander, possessively. Show them how you command my body,” I whisper. I feel his fingers relax against my body, then his other hand comes up into my loose hair and pulls my head back roughly, revealing my neck and positioning me perfectly for him to claim. To any other woman it would more than likely hurt, but to me, it’s a turn on. He pulls me to him and kisses me with everything he has, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood before pulling away. His eyes tell me to leave it there, leave it for everyone to see, so I don’t lick it away like I want to.
“Say thank you to me for kissing you, Rebecca.” His icy eyes never leave mine, betraying how much he hates this charade we are putting on.
“Thank you, Mr. Black,” I reply, sounding like a robot. We hear a couple of the men murmuring appreciation at how well I seem to be trained, but I don’t scan the crowd; instead I keep facing forward as we walk into the warehouse and I wait to see what awaits us inside.
As soon as the door closes, there are bodyguards surrounding us. Black takes control immediately. “Alexander Black. Guest of Richard Lexington the third and I also have the main event for the auction.” His hand rises to stroke over my cheek and I move away, beginning my act of a woman who does not like his touch. “These men behind me are my own personal security that I go nowhere without and behind them are other interested buyers which Richard agreed to me bringing along The more bidders there are, the better for me, you see.”
“We can’t let you bring your own security in tonight, Mr. Black—no one is allowed to.” Some bulky Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson-sized man replies to Alexander. His body is somehow stuffed into a too-tight black stretch T-shirt that looks like it could rip open at any moment.
“That’s fine, we will all leave, then. Why don’t you let Richard know the reason he will have to tell everyone that the main prize won’t be available tonight is because you told the wealthiest man here he couldn’t bring his men with him.” Alexander turns on his heel. “You guys feel free to stay, I’m sure there are plenty of other women who will take your fancy.”
“Mr. Black, since you are a VIP with us, we will let you take your men with you tonight, but for all future attendances, please know that we don’t normally allow it.” The Rock wannabe leans forward whilst speaking to him, his jaw ticking with withheld rage that he has been shown up by the man I am attached to.
“Noted. Now show us where we need to go,” Alexander orders.
He leads us down a dark hallway, with only the occasional sconce flickering every three or so meters. They provide ambient lighting along the wall, though not enough to really be able to do anything else. We continue down the hall until we arrive at a very large room that’s bustling with men. We push further into the room and what I see disgusts me.
There are podiums scattered throughout the room, and on each of them stands a woman. They are all completely naked except for their high heels. On closer inspection, I can see that their wrists are secured with handcuffs to the outstretched arms of the metal crosses behind them.
I look up into the eyes of the woman standing above me, and they are so similar. However, where I am extremely well-looked after, she isn’t. She is rail thin, and I wonder when the last time was that she had something decent to eat. Her eyes find mine and they seem hazy. She has to be under the influence of some illicit substance. I pull on Alexander’s hand, wanting to make sure he is seeing what I am.
“I see, sweetheart,” he murmurs in my ear.
“Alexander, it’s good that you have arrived. We have a podium over here for Rebecca to stand on. It’s the largest one of them all with the most amount of space around it for the bidders to check the merchandise up close. Come, let me lead the way.” Richard Lexington’s voice is on a whole other level tonight. Gone is the modicum of decency he’d shown us before. Instead it’s been replaced with a tone full of sinful desires directed at the women tied to crosses who are helpless to stop it.
As we walk closer to the podium I’m meant to stand on, we pause when we see a man touching another woman on her own dais. His fingers are pushing in and out of her, and she doesn’t even react until he pulls his fingers out and makes a fist. At the invasion, she finally allows an expression to show on her face. It’s one of pain. The man just laughs at her. “Oh, bitch, you’re going to take more than my fist once I own you.”
The men surrounding him all laugh and egg him on. “We can’t wait to have our turn with you. You’re going to love having all ten of us in you in one night, won’t you, you slut?” another one croons.
“Alexander, you can’t let them do that to me,” I hiss, pulling on his hand, forcing him to look at me. He looks into my eyes for a moment, preparing to say something to me.
“He can do whatever he likes with you, Rebecca. Until the auction concludes, that is.” Richard’s voice comes from just beside my ear. I feel his hot breath over my skin, and the disgusting smell makes me want to hurl.
“Don’t touch her, Richard,” Alexander warns. The protective side of him is coming out.
“She is about to be sold to any of the men here tonight and once that sale goes through, she will make you one hell of a lot of money. Those men will want to touch her and sample the goods, make sure she is worth the price you are asking before laying down their money.”
Without thinking, I do the only thing that might get me out of this situation. “Mr. Black, please, don’t do this. I promise you can do anything you want to me, if you don’t put me up on that podium.”
Richard’s cruel laugh comes from behind me. “When will you get it? You don’t have any control in this situation. He is selling you to the highest bidder. It doesn’t matter what you offer him, he isn’t going to change his mind. Isn’t that right, Black?”
I feel hot tears falling onto my cheeks. “Where do I get her ready?” Alexander asks. Richard points to a room off to the side. When we get there, we find it completely empty. Harold and Jones follow us in. We all lean in close just in case anyone can hear us. “I was never told that you would be put on show up there. I won’t allow that to happen. Jones, do you have enough information for your men to shut this down already?”
“Not yet, Mr. Black. So far, as bad as it looks out there, they could spin it as women who chose to be displayed to be touched by men. As for the conversation with Richard, he has definitely put his foot in it by mentioning that Rebecca will be put up for sale, and that men will want to sample the merchandise before paying for her, but until we have something concrete, we can’t act. If we do it too early then they all could get away with it.” Jones’s voice is reserved.
“He made mention of Alexander selling me several times in that last conversation, even said I was merchandise. How on earth is that not enough?” I whisper angrily.
“I know how frustrated you must feel, Miss Kennedy, but we actually need a sale to happen in order to act.” Jones’s voice is still reserved, and professional. As though none of what he just witnessed out there phases him at all. I imagine he has seen much worse in his time with MI6.
Harold joins the conversation next. “So as soon as the first woman is sold, you can take this down? Or do you need to wait for Rebecca?”
“No need to wait for Rebecca’s sale, as I mentioned before as soon as the first sale has gone through, we can move in. Now, you will all need to be on your toes ready to act. It will more than likely be chaos, so one of us should remain near Rebecca at all times in case someone makes a move to take her and run,” Jones says.