Page 38 of The Debt
“Swallow every drop, whore, otherwise I’ll punish you worse than before,” he commands above me.
I try to pull in oxygen from my nose, just as he ejects his load into my mouth. I try to swallow without choking but it keeps coming, until finally, when I feel the last spurt of cum from his cock, he pulls out. He slaps my cheeks hard, once on either side of my face before ducking under my arm again. I hear the door behind me open and close. I can’t stop the tears that come hard and fast, howling at the pain I am in. When I finally stop, I send out a silent prayer that Harold and Agent Jones will find me and save me soon.
~ Chapter Twenty-Three ~
“Sir, we are back in the car now.” I hear Harold’s voice and my eyes fight to open again.
“How bad is it?” I ask, wincing as I try to push myself into a sitting position in the back of the limousine. Harold and Jones sit next to each other looking down at me.
Jones’s responds in a clipped tone, “The vest caught the bullet, Mr. Black, and the blood bag worked a treat. He thinks you’re dead, so he won’t see you coming.”
I nod. “Jesus fucking Christ, the pain in my chest was like it actually broke through the vest. How long have I been out?”
“They stop the bullet, sir, but the pain you feel is still intense. You never actually passed out, but we left you to rest a bit. While you were trying to gather your strength back while we arrested most of the men who remained.” Harold tells me.
“Fuck.” I groan. “Did Rebecca believe it?”
“Yes, Mr. Black, completely,” Jones answers.
I look around the car, not seeing her anywhere. “Where is she?”
“Richard has her,” Harold informs me.
Even though I want to curse myself for not being able to protect her like I promised I would, now is the time for action. I pull my phone from my pants pocket and bring up the software to track Rebecca. An address in Chelsea comes up. I shove my phone at Harold. “There, we need to go there, now.”
His eyes scan over the phone and he immediately exits the car. I see him reappear in the driver’s seat. “About half an hour’s drive from here,” he tells me in the mirror.
“Fine,” I pull the tuxedo jacket from my body, quickly followed by my blood-stained shirt. I tug at the Velcro holding the bulletproof vest to my body, wanting to take it off.
“I’d keep it on if I were you. Richard went to a lot of trouble to take her from you. I don’t doubt that he will fight to keep her, and he has already shot you once.” Jones makes a good point.
I grunt a nonverbal response at him and start redressing. I reach across to the in-car bar and pour myself two fingers of whiskey, slamming it back in one gulp. It burns more than it ever has before, and I regret taking that drink. I revel in the anger building up inside me. He’s had her now for several hours. Knowing Richards personality, I don’t think he would have killed her, wanting to get as much use out of her before he breaks her. So hopefully I can get to her in time.
We arrive at a large warehouse on the bank of the river Thames. We scan the outside of the building next to it, noting the three cars parked. I reach for the car door handle, but it doesn’t open. “What the fuck, Harold?” I yell.
“Just waiting for back up, Mr. Black,” he throws back at me.
“There isn’t any time to waste, Harold. I need to get in there now. Let me the hell out,” I growl.
Jones is next to speak. “Reinforcements are ten minutes away, Mr. Black. Please just wait. We want to get her out safely, don’t we?”
I want to reach out and wring his neck, try to knock sense into him, but instead I use my words. “Don’t be a condescending fuckwit, Jones. My fiancée is in there, no doubt being tortured by a sick lunatic. I need her out safely, as soon as possible.”
“Then wait just a few more minutes. Here, take this. Don’t use it unless it’s a life or death choice. Do you understand me?” Jones offers me a Glock 17 pistol.
I take it from him and look down at this useless weapon in my hand. I’d rather have a MK18 in my hands. But this will have to do. “I know what you’re saying. Don’t go shooting this piece of shit unless he goes to shoot me or Rebecca first.”
“Exactly. You’re a civilian so you shouldn’t even have a weapon on you in public, but after what’s happened tonight, I think you should have one. Blaire tells me you know how to use it. Don’t make me regret giving it to you.” Jones shrugs in Harold’s direction, while his eyes bore directly into my own. “I know he has his sidearm with him but in his role of a bodyguard he knows he can only use it if your life is in danger.”
“Not onlymylife, Harold,” I tell the man in the front seat. “As my bodyguard it is your duty to also protect my loved ones, and there is no one I love more than Rebecca. If she is in danger, take out whoever is threatening her.”
“Of course, sir,” he replies.
I hear the approach of a car. Jones answers his phone though I don’t hear it ring. “Yes, we are ready. Currently sitting across the road from the location, there are three cars in front of the building where she is located“ his eyes scan outside “Agreed” his gaze slips to me, “See you in five.” He presses a button before putting the phone away.
“Okay, they are going to park behind and take them out, then they will give us the signal when it’s safe for us to get out and then we will all head up together.” Jones eyes leave mine to look toward Harold, and the two men nod at each other.