Page 41 of The Debt
Trust Harold to always be looking after everyone but himself. “Thank you for everything, Harold. I’ll speak to her and let her know to expect agents tomorrow. There is one other thing. Get some sleep. Do that first, then I’ll see you in the morning.” I end the call before he has a chance to argue with me.
I sit down in the room’s only chair, drop my head into my hands, and I cry. For the first time in what seems like forever, I let my emotions out. I almost lost the most important person in my life tonight. I know I should do the right thing by setting her free, but I can’t. I wouldn’t survive if she left me. She is everything that is good in this world, whereas I am everything that is bad. She is the light I need to step into, to keep me from the constantly waiting darkness.
I hear voices outside the room. As I look up, I see Rebecca being wheeled into the room in a bed. As much as I want to go to her, the nurse gives me a look that tells me to stay where I am. I give him a small nod and stay seated. They wheel her bed into place and connect the drip in her arm to the stand near the wall before connecting her to a heart monitor and another machine.
“She needs rest, Mr. Black,” the nurse declares sternly before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. As soon as I see he’s gone, I am out of the chair and at Rebecca’s side, taking her hand gently in my own, and bending down to kiss her fingers.
“Hey, love,” she whispers, her voice all croaky. I look at her beautiful face and see the small smile peeking through.
“Hello, sweetheart,” I whisper. I reach back with my foot to hook the chair and drag it toward me without ever letting go of her hand. Once it’s close enough I sit down, keeping the skin to skin connection we have.
“You saved my life,” she croaks, tears falling from her gorgeous blue eyes. I reach up to wipe them away. “How can I ever thank you for what you did for me?” she asks.
“You don’t ever have to thank me. I’ll do that again and again to keep you safe if I have to,” I say firmly.
“I’m just a woman, though, Alexander. You could find another one.” Her voice wavers.
I shake my head. “Don’t you ever talk about yourself as disposable. You are the most important thing in my life, Rebecca, and I would give my life for you willingly in order to keep you safe. You are all that matters to me.” I feel a lump forming in my throat, so I try to clear it whilst reaching out to stroke her face.
“So, you haven’t decided I’m too much trouble to be worth it, then?” she asks. Her eyes scan my face. I can read her like a book, she really is unsure what my answer will be.
I can’t keep anything locked inside me anymore. I’ve told her previously how I feel, but she needs to know what she does for me, how she gives me hope of a happy, fulfilled life.
“Listen to me, Rebecca Kennedy. I have loved you with every single part of me since the very first time we argued when you woke up in our home. I will never stop loving you and to be perfectly honest, there is nothing on this earth you could do that could make me not love you.” I pause for a moment. My heart breaks in two at the possibility that she no longer feels the same. “My life is dark, Rebecca. You know I am involved in some terrible things. But what you don’t know is you help to keep me from falling completely into the darkness—you’re my light and I don’t want to ever lose you. But if for some reason you don’t love me anymore then I’ll have to try to accept that.”
Her eyes fill with tears again and they flow freely. “Oh, Alexander. How could I ever feel anything but love for you? After what you did for me this evening. You killed someone who hurt me. I would do that for you in a heartbeat. No one hurts what is mine,” she confesses.
A small smile forms on my lips. “You’re mine, not just for now, but forever. And when this life ends, I’ll be with you in the afterlife too. I promise that I’ll never be parted from you, sweetheart. Never.”
“Kiss me,” she begs. I lean down and press my lips against hers, being careful to not apply pressure to any other part of her body. I sweep my tongue gently over her bottom lip and she sighs, opening her mouth for me.
“I told you she needed rest, Mr. Black. If you cannot keep your hands to yourself, I will have to ask you to leave.” The male nurses voice sounds from behind us, although his tone isn’t completely threatening. I’m what’s known as an alpha male, and this man would be an omega. I won’t push my luck tonight though. I won’t let anyone part me from Rebecca, ever again.
Rebecca lets out a beautiful melodic laugh against my lips, somehow concealing her pain. I lean back to look at the man who is standing at the end of the bed. “It was my fault, I asked him to kiss me. I needed to feel something other than dull pain.”
“Be that as it may, you need to get some sleep soon. You have been through an incredible ordeal. I do need to talk to you about your injuries, though.” The matron looks directly into Rebecca’s eyes when he speaks.
“Anything you have to say can be said in front of my fiancé.” Rebecca’s hand tightens on mine. I stand up beside her, allowing my entire six-foot-six frame to make itself known.
“Okay then. You have almost seventy cuts and lacerations of different severities across your body, all of which have been cleaned, and those that needed stitching have been closed. You will have noticed that breathing is painful, even with the pain relief we are administering through the IV line. That’s due to you having seven broken ribs, which is why we have wrapped your chest so firmly. You need to allow them time to heal. You are extremely lucky that none of them pierced your lungs when they fractured. Your cheek bone is also fractured. The ENT specialist made a small incision in your hairline to your temple in order to pull the bone back into place. You also have hairline fractures in your wrists from being tied up.” He pauses and takes a deep breath, looking at me for a moment before returning to Rebecca. “Are you aware that you experienced sexual penetration of a forceful nature?”
Rebecca nods in response. “Yes. Several times that I remember.” I tense beside her. I knew it had been a possibility after the way I found her. The list of injuries is already enough, so I mentally prepare myself for whatever the nurse tells us next.
“Although there is quite a significant amount of internal trauma to your anal region, we don’t believe that he used anything besides himself to rape you. However, you should also know that we found traces of semen inside you when we did a rape kit. We’re waiting on the blood test results now.”
“I need to take something to prevent a pregnancy. I can’t fall pregnant from this monster’s attacks. Please, there has to be something you can do,” Rebecca pleads.
He nods. “As soon as we have the test results, I can give you a tablet known as Levonelle. It’s best taken within seventy-two hours of the unprotected sex taking place.”
“I didn’t just go out and have unprotected sex with some random. I was bloody well raped!” she yells.
“I didn’t mean to say you hadn’t been, Miss Kennedy, I was just telling you that I do have something you can take.” The nurse does not seem affected at being yelled at and keeps his professionalism.
“That’s what I want, please.” Her voice is softer now.
“I will get it for you now. I’ll be back soon.” His gaze leaves Rebecca and lands on me for a moment before he leaves the room.
I lean down, wrapping my arms around her as tight as I can without causing her pain. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” I murmur into her hair. “I’m here.”