Page 38 of Belong With Me
Chapter Thirteen
Just as I expected, Warmington Run was as unremarkable as I thought it would be when I went past the other day. As I drove under the timber entrance sign that led me to the main house, I noticed the lack of dairy cows, though that might not mean much, since they could have been moved elsewhere.
The next thing I noticed was the house, which although was relatively large in size, wasn’t in great shape. The paint was peeling nearly all over and it looked like some of the wooden support posts that held the porch roof up were beginning to rot. The only thing that looked like it was in perfect condition was the occupied rocking chair near the front door. There was a second almost identical chair next to it.
I saw the elderly woman pat the arm of the chair she was sitting in before she stood and balanced herself on the cane that was leaning out of my view against the porch railing.
As I opened the door to Savannah’s Prado, the woman approached the stairs leading from the front landing of the house. “Hello, dear, you must be Sienna.” Her voice shook.
I quickly grabbed the briefcase from the passenger seat and exited the car then jogged as well as I could up the stairs in my Manolo Blahniks. I wanted to reach her before she attempted to walk down them. I would hate for her to take a tumble just to meet me on the pathway. Especially when it was easy for me to get to her.
“That’s me. I’m hoping you are Mrs. Jackson. Will Mr. Jackson be joining us this afternoon?” I offered her my hand to shake.
The woman’s shaky hand clasped my own without much strength and she smiled softly. “Actually, dear, my husband, Steve, passed almost eighteen months ago now.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Mrs. Jackson.”
“Please, call me Myra.”
I made an inward note to adjust the contract to reflect Steve’s passing. Though the thought occurred to me that I wouldn’t tell my father until the contract had been signed. Knowing his brutal business instincts, he’d probably cut the offer price even more.
“Would you like to come inside and have some sweet tea, dear?” Myra offered.
“Please.” I nodded and followed her in.
She wasted no time in putting the biggest glass of the tea, which I was learning was a Texan staple, in front of me, and sat at the small round table opposite me.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, dear.”
I took a sip, and almost smacked my lips together at the sweetness. “Ma’am, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to sell your land?”
She took a sip of the water in front of her. “I find the farm is too much for me these days. I wanted to keep it out of love for my husband, but I just can’t keep up with the work.”
“Surely you could hire someone, or perhaps some of your children could pop by and help out?”
She shook her head. “My daughter lives in Kansas now, and married to a wonderful man who owns a few cafes. I don’t want to ruin that for them. I just want to spend what’s left of my time with them and my three grandbabies.”
Sure enough, as I cast my eyes around the room, I saw multiple photos of what must be her family scattered around. “Very well then.” I unclipped my briefcase and placed the documents on the table. Spreading them out, I set the most important one on top. “These are the contracts you’ll need to read over. I’ve highlighted where you need to sign. I’ll adjust them to reflect that you’re the sole owner of the property, and we can negotiate terms once you’ve gone over them.”
Myra nodded and stood. “This is going to need something stronger than water.” Halting in place, she turned with the help of her cane. “Actually. Why don’t you accompany me on a quick drive round the property?”
Considering this woman had absolutely no company, I figured that this offer was more for her benefit than mine. And since I was enjoying her company so far, I didn’t hesitate to answer her. “Sure.”
Smiling wide, she toddled over to the kitchen bench and swiped a pair of keys from a bright green crystal bowl. “You will drive for me.”
“Uh. I can only drive an automatic.”
She stopped in place. “Just as well I had Steve update our car to an automatic about three years ago then.”
Taking the keys from her outstretched hand, I offered my arm for her. She threaded hers through mine, hooking our arms at the elbows, and we headed out to the external garage together.
After helping Myra into the passenger seat, we began our tour close to the house. First we passed some previously well-maintained gardens that had most certainly seen better days, then passing a massive wooden structure. “What’s that?” I asked.
“That’s where we used to keep the girls’ horses. Right beside there you can see the oversized paddock. Steve used to try to break them in.”