Page 40 of Belong With Me
“Well, you’ve met Logan.” His eyes locked with mine to make sure I was following what he was saying. “Nah, you’re right. Maybe half is too generous for him.” He shrugged.
“He’s not that bad, Ry,” Savannah added as she put a plate of potatoes on the dining table.
“Wait. Logan’s a brother?” I asked. I sure as hell remembered Logan but I honestly couldn’t see a resemblance. He was taller than the others, by at least a couple of inches and wider built. But that wider build was all muscle. I mean, did he have muscles on top of muscles? All that heavy lifting at the mechanic shop had done wonders on his physique. I just knew by looking at him he would have no trouble lifting me—
I stopped any dirty thoughts I might have had before they gained traction and spread like wildfire. Especially when Ryder grinned at me and that damn dimple appeared again.
“Nah, I’m pulling your chain. He’s the best type of guy. Granted, he’s built like a brick house.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that he’s still the best type of guy,” Savannah finished for her brother.
“But you just said—”
“I can see how you’re confused; Ry has a habit of not explaining things as well as he could have.” She gave her brother a cheeky smile before continuing. “What my brother is trying to say is Logan is just like one of the family. He is around here all the time and has been since we went to elementary school together.”
“Right,” I murmured. Because what else was I supposed to say? He didn’t necessarily need to be a brother to join my thoughts when I was alone.
“My three brothers and one sister are plenty enough around here.” I looked up to Savannah as she kept explaining to me. “Trust me, Logan may act like he is one of us, but he ain’t family.” I looked at Savannah’s stunning face. As she pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, I saw a glimpse of something flash across her face. Something told me it was perhaps regret. I wanted to ask her, to learn more about what caused that emotion to flicker there. However, I didn’t know her well enough.
But I would bet one of my Burberry handbags on there being something between her and Logan. Something gnawed at me, telling me it may be in the past, but not for her. Not when her eyes still sparkled with that much pent-up emotion. As for this fourth, almost brother… I sure remembered the mechanic, Logan. Now, after meeting Wyatt, there were four incredibly good-looking males I was going to be in almost daily contact with.
That night when I slipped under the covers, my mind was still ticking over the day’s events. When I finally cleared my mind and closed my eyes, a montage of images of the Larsen Ranch men played across my mind, while Bob got down to business on his end.