Page 43 of Belong With Me
She gestured at the king-sized bed, where my good button-up was laid carefully on the quilt. “I didn’t think you’d mind if I ironed your shirt for you. You haven’t worn it in a while, so it was a bit wrinkled.”
Hell, I hadn’t even thought about that. Gratitude boiled up inside me. “Thanks, Dolly.”
My youngest sister smiled wide then she headed to my door and opened it. Before she stepped out, she looked over her shoulder and murmured quietly, “Good luck, Ry, though you don’t need it. I’m sure Sienna’s going to love it.”
The door closed behind her as she exited, and I was left with only two things left to do. I stared at it for a moment, thinking over how my siblings were all excited about this date I was organizing for tonight.
Finally, I was dressed. After glancing at myself in the mirror, I headed out into the hall and in only a few steps was standing at the door to Wyatt’s old room. Knocking twice, I then ran my hand through my hair. I was impatient, and so bloody nervous. When she didn’t open the door almost immediately, I couldn’t help but automatically think she didn’t want anything to do with the date. But then I remembered why I was standing there. Why I went to the trouble of actually dressing nicer than usual. To actually ask her on said date.
The handle turned and the door opened a little. Sienna peeked out before opening it the rest of the way and stood there, in a surprisingly casual dress. “Hey, cowboy.” She smiled. But then her eyes made their way down my body and that smile faltered just a little. “You’re looking pretty dressed up for dinner. Is someone coming over?” When I didn’t answer immediately, she continued, “Or do you have a date? Because if I’ve been kissing you and you’ve got a girlfriend, Lord save me, Lord save you, Ryder Larsen.”
What remained of her smile disappeared in an instant. She stepped back from the now wide-open doorway and crossed her arms. “I don’t like people who play people off against each other.”
“It’s not like that,” I started, but she uncrossed one of her arms and held up a hand to stop my explanation in its tracks.
“No, I’m a big girl. No lies. Only the truth. I can take whatever you’re going to tell me. There’s someone else, isn’t there?” She paused, only long enough to take a breath. “God, I’ve been so fucking stupid. Thinking you were different from those guys back home.” Her hands went to her face, and she ran them down to her lips, tapping them for a few moments.
Well, that wasn’t the reaction I’d been expecting. Especially when I hadn’t even said anything about anyone. She was stalking around the room now, ranting about one thing or another. I caught words here and there, but nothing completely coherent.
I did the only thing I could think of to stop her rant. In three quick steps I was in front of her, with my hands on her hips. I pressed my lips against hers and she faltered for a few seconds, softening into my touch. But it was only a second before she reared back and slapped me across my cheek.
“If you’re kissing me before you go on a date with another woman so help me—”
“It’s you, Sienna!” I tightened my grip on her hips.
“It’s me what?”
“You’re the one I got dressed up for!”
She halted whatever she was going to say. Nibbling her bottom lip, her eyes scanned my face. “Me?” she repeated as pink colored her cheeks. “You’re dressed like this for me?”
“Yes.” I sighed.
“I thought you were going on a date with someone else! Oh God, I slapped you!” Her pitch rose.
I pressed another kiss to her lips and this time she didn’t stop me. It was so completely natural for me to do so. Like an instinct within me knew that a kiss from me would do more to calm her than any words. After a few more moments, I pulled back a little to rest my forehead against hers. “Can you let me talk now, woman?” She nodded mutely. “Good.”
I pulled away completely, looking down upon her beautiful face. Now came the hard part.
“I’m here to ask you, Sienna, if you’d like to go on a date.”
“With who?” Her perfectly manicured eyebrow arched at me as she tried to control her lip that wanted to quirk up too.
“With me. Who else could there be?” She grinned and nodded. “It’s nothing super fancy. So, you don’t even need to get changed if you don’t want to.”
Her hand slipped into mine before she nodded again. “I can’t believe I slapped you, and you were only trying to ask me on a date.”
Her other hand reached out to touch my cheek. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I’d been hit by horse tails harder than what she just inflicted. But I needed verbal confirmation she was coming with me. “So that’s a yes, right?”
She smiled wide, just like when she first saw me. “Yes, cowboy. It is.”
All the nerves I’d been trying to contain suddenly broke free, and I let out another sigh. “Thank fuck for that.” Pressing my lips to her forehead, I heard her sigh ever so softly, so I quickly added, “I’ve got to get the stuff in the car. If you want to get changed or whatever. Meet me downstairs when you’re ready.”
She giggled. “I’ll be down in a minute, cowboy.” It took everything in me not to run out of the room and bound down the stairs to tell Van and Kenzie. Instead, I resigned myself to a calmer demeanor and walked slowly out of her room, closing the door behind me. The moment she could no longer see me, I couldn’t contain the smile. She actually agreed! After a couple of moments, I reined in my emotions and kept going with what I needed to get done.
Kenzie and Van stood at the bottom of the stairs, probably expecting me to tell them everything. Van’s small smile fell when I didn’t instantly smile back. But as I reached the bottom stair, I couldn’t hold the grin back any longer.
A mirroring smile spread across her lips. “She said yes?” I nodded. Van hugged me and Dolly danced in place. It warmed me a bit to know they supported the idea of Sienna and me as a couple. Shit. When on earth did I start thinking of us as a couple? It was just one date.