Page 52 of Belong With Me
“Anyway, let’s get this stuff inside, I have another early morning repairing the fences.” I gestured at the picnic basket and the small basket of candles.
She slapped me on the upper arm and smiled up at me. “This is great, Ry, I’m really happy for you. She seems great.”
Handing her the picnic basket, I looked at my twin. So similar to me, in so many ways. I hoped she had the chance to feel like this one day soon. “She is, isn’t she?”
“Next time, give me some notice and I’ll whip up something for you to throw in the oven and I’ll get everyone else out of here.”
I stepped away from the truck with an armful of blankets and made my way up the stairs. Van opened the door for me. “Thanks, sis.” I told her as I passed.
“Anytime, big brother.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her response. I was only two-and-a-half minutes older than her. But I guessed when you’ve had your heart broken the way I have, it aged you. I hoped that she never had to experience the pain. I sure as hell hoped I never had to again.
After everything had been packed away, I wished my sister goodnight and climbed the stairs to my room. Once I was safely behind the closed door, I breathed a sigh of relief.
Finally, there was no one around looking at me closely to see what I was feeling. No one to ask me more questions. Lost in thought, I unbuttoned my shirt on autopilot and let it slide down my arms. The scent of the campfire clung to the fabric, making me smile. I tossed it into the laundry basket and started on my jeans. The jeans weren’t dirty at all, so I folded them and placed them in the bottom drawer of the dresser, then pulled a pair of well-worn sleep shorts on and climbed into bed.
With my hands tucked under my head, I looked at the ceiling, reminiscing with fondness at the many amazing moments of tonight. One in particular came back with vengeance. When she referred to me as a boyfriend.
It played in my mind over and over again and I wanted to kick myself for basically swatting it away. My insecurities had gotten the better of me at that moment, though. I had walls built around me as tall as the Empire State Building and I wasn’t going to let them fall without a good reason.
But if I continued to keep everyone out, I could miss out on what I was waiting for. What everyone was waiting for. The right person. I couldn’t deny it, I did want more, and Sienna was the one I wanted more with.
Perhaps tomorrow I would tell her. Or perhaps I could organize another date like tonight. Maybe take her out to Rex’s Whiskey Dominion, one of the two bars in town and show her what Belle Springs had to offer.
As much as the feelings of happiness were present, there was this small part that nagged at me. She’s only visiting. She’s not planning to stay.
Would anything I did change that? Would she stay if something truly special developed between us? Could I convince her to leave everything she knew behind and start a new life here with me?
More to the point, did I want that? The more I considered it, the more I realized that I already knew the answer.