Page 58 of Belong With Me
My heart skipped a beat, and my mind ran over all the reasons that could have caused her to scream. Was she injured? Frightened? She needed me, and quite frankly, I needed her. I needed her in my arms where I could hold her close and be sure she was okay. That we both were.
The images never slowed down, one after another continuing to taunt me until my brother’s voice crackled through the radio once again.
“Can anyone read me?” he asked.
“Yeah, Colton, I can hear you,” Savannah replied before I had the chance to answer.
“I’ve got her.”
“Where?” I almost barked down the device as my grip on the steering wheel loosened, just a little.
“I’ve got her, Ry.” The crackling became even worse.
“I heard you the first time, brother. Where are you?”
I waited for the response, but it didn’t come, just more crackling. “Colton?”
I worried his radio may have died. That I’d have to blindly drive in the direction he last told us he was, and just look for them. But then, after another couple of minutes, the crackling reduced. “Meet me at the border of Maddie’s.”
My foot was damn near flat on the accelerator pedal as I floored it down the dirt road. Toward Maddie’s paddock. Toward her.
I took the radio in hand once more. “Copy. On my way.” Then dropped it on the seat beside me.
Kenzie’s response came through next. “I’ll head back to the house and get the dogs sorted.”
“That’s good news, Colton. I’ll get some soup cooking for dinner,” Savannah’s response was last.
The moment I crested a hill, I saw the bulking shape of Diablo. What I also didn’t fail to notice was how she sat on the saddle in front of Colton, his arm wrapped around her middle to help keep her in place. Jealousy flared within me. I needed to get to her. Now.
He slowed the horse from a fast-paced trot to a walk, eventually slowing even more as they came up against the fence line and stopped. He jumped down from behind her, offering his arms to help her down.
I was out of the car and at the fence line in the blink of an eye, holding my arms out for her as I reached them. Colton’s arms wrapped around her and cradled her to his chest.
“What happened?” I asked. Why was she being carried? Did she hurt herself? Was she okay? Was it her scream he heard earlier? The questions fired in quick succession through my mind. But luckily only the first left my mouth.
“I sprained my ankle,” she murmured. “It turns out that heeled boots are seriously not the best footwear when you’re out in rocky paddocks.”
“Colton!” I rounded on him as he passed Sin over the fence to my waiting arms. “I’ll have your balls for this,” I growled. He at least had the self-awareness to look embarrassed. He knew I was going to ream him a fucking new one for this when were alone later.
With her finally in my arms, I relaxed just a little. “Hey, cowboy, don’t be too hard on him,” Sin said quietly as she wrapped her arms around my neck, the feel of which did even more to settle me. “He did try to tell me I should wear better shoes. But I guess I’m just a bit too stubborn to listen.”
“Hey, you’re here now, okay, darlin’?” I softened just a little. Leaning down, I inhaled her scent and it calmed me even further. She was in my arms again, she was awake and talking. That was a hell of a lot better than what I thought might have happened when I first realized she was gone. “What happened anyway?”
She laughed softly, the sound like a balm to my soul. “You’ll think I’m an idiot for this.” I started to tell her that wasn’t possible, but she put a finger to my lips, silencing me. “Long story short. I saw a stick. I thought it was a snake. But I only realized that after I tried to get away from it and twisted my ankle.”
I laughed, ready to tell her that I didn’t think she was an idiot at all, but heard Colton clear his throat. I had forgotten he was still here with us.
“When you two are done with your lovey dovey eyes.” My eyes left her and looked up at him. “Yeah, Ry, don’t think I don’t see ‘em.” He smirked, and now I was absolutely about to throttle him. “You should probably take Sienna back to the house and get some ice for that ankle of hers.”
“Thanks, Colton,” Sin added, but I didn’t think he heard her, since he’d already turned back to Diablo, vaulting back up into the saddle. A moment later, he added, “I’m gonna go find Ducky, then meet you all back at home base. Make sure Van saves me some soup.”
Once again, Colton’s logic was surprising, yet true. “Got it.” I nodded at him as he and Diablo set off.
Looking down at Sin, I muttered, “Let’s get you home. Van’s probably got dinner almost done by now. From there I think a nice, long soak in a hot bath and some ice and elevation for that ankle is just what the doctor ordered.”
Sin nodded as she placed her head against my chest, and I reveled in just how right it felt. “That sounds wonderful,” she sighed.
“Speaking of the good doctor, would you like me to call him?”