Page 86 of Belong With Me
“I’m taking an extended leave break,” I announced.
His other eyebrow shot up. “Extended leave?” His tone was harsh and cold.
“Yes, Daddy.” I stood.
“Why exactly do you need extended leave? You were just away for almost a month.”
“For work. I was away for work, not a holiday. I’ve worked for you for almost fifteen years now, and most of that was off the books, before I was fully qualified.” Pausing a moment, I thought of everything I wanted to say to him, deciding which points were the most important to get out. I figured, why not go back to the beginning. “You know what, Daddy? I’ve always known I was different from my friends. That doesn’t mean I wanted to be like all the other girls my age, going to sleepovers and such. But helping you prep for business meetings wasn’t entirely my idea of fun either. I’m entitled to this time off and you know it.”
It felt good to finally voice some of my frustrations. To finally take a stand for myself, for the person I’d realized I was, and who I was going to be.
He gaped at me for a few seconds, and I almost laughed at his expression of shock. “Sienna-Grace.” He composed himself and raised a finger to point at me. “I’m going to give you this leave. I’m going to ignore the fact you are demanding it like a petulant child instead of a reasonable adult. Clearly, you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown. Maybe I should book you into a spa or something?”
“I’m perfectly fine,” I snapped and his face reddened as I added, “I’m just starting to come to my senses and see who you really are.”
“If you’re going to act like that, you can get out from under my roof. I see your luggage is already packed. You might as well make good use of it.”
“Fine.” I agreed, stalking to my luggage and grabbing two of the bigger bags. “I’ll get out of your hair. I’ll be back for the rest tomorrow.” I was sure I could find somewhere to stay. Maybe I’d book myself into one of the expensive hotels in town for the night on Daddy’s account. One final hurrah before I headed off to start the rest of my life.
“Oh, and Sienna-Grace.” His voice was back to its usual cool, calculating tone. “Do not forget, we have several important hearings tomorrow. I trust you’re aware of the consequences if you don’t appear in court. Your name is on the paperwork, after all.”
I froze. They were tomorrow? I briefly wondered who would appear in court. And whether any of them had secured legal representation that would give me any trouble.
Once out the door, I drove to a local five-star hotel and checked in to the presidential suite. I figured why not? Even if it was just for one night. The moment I was inside the room, I called down to room service and ordered a Fillet Mignon with vegetables and their most expensive bottle of red wine.
After enjoying the meal, I soaked in the tub, relaxing the best I could before slipping into some pajamas and falling asleep.
The night in the hotel was fine. I guess. It wasn’t very restful though. All night I thought about what today would be like. What was going to happen once this case was finished and I could finally walk away from the family business, once and for all.
Climbing the steps to the courthouse, I looked around the gathering of people. A couple of familiar faces spotted me and we smiled cordially at each other and shared polite greetings as I passed through the entrance doors.
Heading along the main corridor, I made my way to the smaller of the three main courtrooms and set my briefcase on the ground just outside the door. I smoothed my jacket and tailored pants, then collected my case once again and held it in my grasp.
Straightening my shoulders, I opened the doors. Ready to face anything that might come my way.
The hours passed quickly, and I found myself climbing the stairs of the family office building. Its never-ending stream of people coming and going was familiar. What wasn’t familiar in this setting was the figure I saw as I entered the reception area.
Seated on one of the comfortable settees scattered off to the side was Ryder. I froze in place. He was here in Louisiana. He came all this way. But was it for me or for the contract? Was I just being hopeful that perhaps he chose to come because he loved me?
“Sienna-Grace, this man is here to see you regarding the paperwork we sent. Follow me to the conference room and sit down so we can get this over with.” My father’s words pulled my attention from Ryder, but I looked to Marion his assistant first, then toward Daddy as he opened the door to one of our more intimate conference rooms. My eyes skipped to Marion again, and I watched as she went through the same motions I’d seen her make hundreds, if not thousands, of times before.
It struck me then, that that could be me. In ten, twenty, even thirty years time, that I would be the one operating in the same routine I was in now. Day after day, year after year until I was old and gray. Living my life to the rules someone else set for me. A bolt of adrenaline shot through my body, and I stepped toward the desk. I set the paperwork I held from the court sessions earlier atop it and went to stand where Ryder was silently watching.
“Just follow my lead,” I told him quietly as the ringtone of a cell phone filled the air. He didn’t reply, but I knew he’d listened. With my confidence spreading through me at my boldness, I strode towards the conference room, my cowboy not far behind me.
When we entered the space where a large table took center stage, I pulled out a chair and sat down. Not the one next to my father as he expected, but on the opposite side of the table. Daddy’s mouth tightened as Ryder took the seat beside me. “What are you doing?” he whispered, but I put my hand on his and finally let myself look into his ocean-blue eyes.
“I’m on your side, Ryder. I’ve been on your side since the moment you literally gave me the shirt off your back.” His knee bumped mine in a familiar gesture, shared many times during the weeks at the Larsen dining table. It gave me the confidence to once again turn to face my father. I nodded at Daddy, my final gesture to him as an authority figure in my life. Here I would fight for myself, I would fight for the Larsen family, and I would fight for the future. My future.
Heated words were exchanged, as we argued back and forth with Ryder being an absolute pillar of silent strength beside me. He put in a solitary word every now and again, but mostly sat next me offering his support for anything my father threw at me. A subtle touch of my hand as he handed me a glass of water, a knock of his knee under the table. I didn’t need to hear words to understand what he was saying.
Finally, it was over. My father and I stood glaring at each other over the table. Neither of us moved as Ryder quietly removed himself from the room. I quirked an eyebrow, a dominance trick I’d seen my father use. One that had been used on me many times to make me question even my most confident actions. He averted his gaze.
He actually looked away.
My moment of internal celebration was lost to me as he said, in a voice that sent a chill through my body, “I hope you know, Sienna-Grace, that when they fail, they’ll fall hard. You’ll be there right along with them.”
I turned on my heel, pausing only long enough before I opened the door to my new life to say, “If they fail, so be it. But I’d rather fall with the people I love, than fly with you. I’m done with this life.”
His mouth opened but I stepped into the hall without giving him a chance to deliver a snarky comment, and the weight of his dominance over me became lighter with every step away from that office.