Page 4 of That's What Love
Scarlett looks at me with a discerning gaze, seeing right through my facade. Her concern is clear, and she knows me too well; she understands my highs and lows better than anyone else. Leaning in slightly, she continues in a softer tone, “You know you don’t need to hide things from me… Did something happen? Has your father reached out to you?”
“Scarlett, I don’t want to talk about it right now. Can we please just focus on work?” She nods.
I know she means well, but right now, I just need some space. No matter what challenges lie ahead, I know that I am surrounded by my best friend’s love and understanding; with her, I can find the strength to weather any storm.
The familiar chime of the door draws my attention. I glance up, and my eyes lock with Eric, the guy from the day before. I can’t help it—my cheeks are warm, and I know I must be blushing. My fingers tremble slightly, and I try to hide them under the counter.
Eric approaches the counter with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. “Hey there, Hailey! Could I get a black coffee and a blueberry muffin?”
I chuckle. “Oh, look at you, remembering my name!”
He grins back. “Wouldn’t want to mix up a name that belongs to a pretty face.”
I blush, not expecting him to say that. “That’ll be $4.50, please.”
Eric hands me a ten-dollar bill, and our fingers momentarily brush against each other, bringing a little more warmth to my face. I place the money in the register and give him his change. As I swiftly prepare his order with practiced ease, I can’t help but steal glances at Eric, feeling a strange mix of nervousness and anticipation. I place the steaming cup of coffee and the muffin before him.
As Eric takes a sip, he leans on the counter, his gaze sincere. “So, how are you today? Everything going well?”
A rush of excitement surges within me, and I can’t help but respond with a wide grin. “Absolutely! It’s a beautiful day.”
His next words take me by surprise, stumbling forth from his lips as if caught in a rush. “You know, I really enjoyed talking with you yesterday, and… I was thinking, would you maybe want to, you know, go out for dinner sometime?”
Pausing for a moment, I notice his confidence waver slightly.
I offer a soft response, “Eric, I truly appreciate your kind words, but I’m not looking to date right now.”
A flicker of embarrassment flashes across his face, and he quickly amends, “ Uh, okay, how about we hang out sometime? As friends?”
To put him at ease, I offer a reassuring smile. “That would be nice.”
A grin spreads across his face, and he gives me a quick wink before heading off to his next destination.
As my cheeks flush, I nervously nibble on my lip, internally admonishing myself.Hailey, you don’t need more on your plate right now.
After the chaosof the afternoon rush dies down, I make my way toward the small employee bathroom. Once inside, I lean against the wall and take a few deep breaths. I don’t understand why I feel overwhelmed during this time of the day. Scarlett tells me I should speak to a professional, but the idea of a therapist does not appeal to me. I’d rather deal with my feelings at home all by myself. When in the company of others, I put on a fake smile and act happy. I set a personal rule to not let my dad’s negativity affect my day, but I don’t always follow it. In reality, my actions don’t always match my words.
I’ve always had this knack for switching my mood from negative to positive in an instant, just like flipping a light switch. Over the years, I’ve learned to distract myself whenever something bad happens. Whether it’s binge-watching TV, getting lost in a good book, or throwing myself into work, it’s become a habit. Whenever negativity creeps into my life—even if it isn’t about my dad—I securely confine it within the chambers of my mind, sealing it away in a deeply buried box. But sometimes the lock doesn’t hold.
I take a deep breath, wash my hands, and then dry them.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee envelops me as I survey the counter, mentally taking stock of the tantalizing food items on display. This café, my sanctuary, holds my dreams and aspirations.
Glancing at the clock, I’m hit with an idea. I turn to Scarlett, who’s diligently wiping down the tables. “Hey, Scar,” I call out. “Wanna have a movie night at my place?”
Scarlett’s eyes light up with excitement. “Hell yeah! Count me in. Let’s head there right after we close.”
A smile plays on my lips as a memory dances in my mind. “Remember that time we hit the beach, and a crab made itself comfortable on my butt? I freaked out, screamed like a banshee, and ran as if my life depended on it!”
Scarlett bursts into infectious laughter as she pulls out her phone at lightning speed and searches for the video she captured that day. “Oh my god, Hailey, that was epic!” Her eyes shine with glee. “I’ve got the evidence right here!”
“Oh, my gosh!” I exclaim.
Scarlett shakes her head, her smile fading to a frown. “That day didn’t have the best ending. Visiting his grave is still unreal to me,” she says.
As I look at her, I recall the memory of his accident.