Page 76 of Buying Time
“I thought we already had this talk,” Char said.
“We did. However it is my job to ensure our clients are happy, and this particular issue has caused a lot of problems for us. People in my position succeed by trust and reputation. The last thing I want are previous clients going around and ruining what I have spent my life building.”
“And how does this little chat help that?” Vance asked.
“While it appears the direct conflicts have ended—there have been no more attacks so far as I know—the parties are not yet satisfied. I understand Lorien is continuing to contact you, and he still attempts to find a way for us to intervene.”
“Your rules say you can’t intervene, though, certainly not on his behalf. He has no rights to her.”
“Technically, neither do you. Given that youbothmanaged to cheat my system, neither of you have retained clear rights to the product. I would be fully within my rights to take her back and cancel the auction entirely.”
“You could try,” Hayden said, no hesitation in his tone.
Bradley smiled, but it lacked any warmth.
I didn’t realize that ‘fuck around and find out’ had a look, but there it is.
Char spoke up before Hayden could go further, using his cheery, ‘let’s all get along,’ tone. “Youcoulddo that, but then you would have to admit to the fact that two different people managed to interfere with your system. I would imagine that if you’re worried about your reputation and the trust of your clients, that would be a bad thing.”
Bradley stared at Char for a long moment, then nodded. “That’s right, which is why I have tried to handle this delicately. However, the longer it drags out, the more likely that it causes me problems. The quickest way to a resolution would be to allow Lorien to take her.”
“Not happening,” Hayden said.
“I thought as much. Everything becomes so much more complicated when women are involved, does it not? What if we re-held the auction? We put her back up and allow a fair bidding war to occur. It would erase any doubts or issues with the previous sale, and you and the other party would agree to abide by the results.”
“That sounds like it would help him but not us,” Char pointed out. “Why would we do that?”
“Because he has agreed that if we do so, he will follow whatever happens. That means he will make no attempts to contact her if you win the bid.”
That might have seemed like a good idea if it hadn’t been for the fact that winning a bidding war against Lorien was one hell of a risk. From what I’d heard, he had all the money of his family at his disposal. The men had money, as well, but moving such large amounts quietly was the problem. Lorien could liquidate and use much bigger amounts of cash than anyone else since so many of his assets were already hidden. He didn’t have to explain it to anyone, like good old Uncle Sam for tax purposes.
“In addition, because the auction house is partly responsible for this mess, we have agreed to pay thirty percent of the winning bid to the loser, should you agree to resolve this in such a way.”
I pressed my lips together, an uncomfortable feeling gnawing at my insides. I thought about how much the men wanted their revenge, how much they deserved it. After what Lorien had done, heshouldbe held accountable, but he’d avoided it thus far. He’d played games and stayed out of their reach and stolen so much from them.
I’d been a problem for the men, and they’d risked their lives to keep me safe. By keeping me around, they risked more than that. They all had things they wanted to protect, things that Lorien could use against them, and I struggled to see a downside to handing me over.
It didn’t mean they couldn’t deal with him in the future, that they couldn’t keep going later to get him. In fact, with me there with him, it might even give them a better chance. Even after years with Lorien, I had no doubt that if they appeared, I’d still side with them, I’d still help them however I could.
I swallowed hard, the action hurting my throat as though I’d tried to force a baseball down my esophagus.
“Not a chance,” Hayden said, managing to let me take a deep breath, as though he’d pulled me up from beneath the water. “I told you the last time that we weren’t interested in handing her over or selling her off.”
Bradley let out a big sigh, the sort of sound a parent made when they were over whatever nonsense their kids were pulling. “Fair enough. I didn’t really expect you to agree. However, understand that this little standoff between you is thus far an annoyance. If you fail to resolve this, however, if it begins to cause me true problems, I have no issue solving it myself. I can assure you thatnoneof you will be happy with the method I use to do so. I do not allow anything to affect my business, least of all petty games between cheaters.”
Wow, I had to admit, Bradley could scold people better than the sternest principal at a school. He could put about anyone in their place with a tone like that.
“I wouldn’t threaten me.” Char’s tone had dropped out of that cheerful one, giving a glimpse of that darker side of him he usually kept hidden. “Getting your people to do as we wanted wasn’t that difficult. Underlings are notoriously unreliable, after all. It isnevera good idea to overestimate your position, because getting the foundation kicked from beneath you causes one hell of a fall.”
I jerked my gaze to Bradley, my eyes wide, because I’d never heard someone talk to Bradley like that. Beyond that, it was a very clear threat, and Bradley didn’t strike me as the type to take that lying down.
He didn’t react at first, staring back as though thinking. He didn’t laugh, but neither did he seem angry. The room remained so silent that the ticking of a clock on the wall felt like gunshots, counting the seconds as they passed by.
Finally, Bradley nodded. “I can’t say I expected anything different. However, I am a believer in offering people choices, especially to avoid violence. I prefer to give people that chance so that when things do happen, those people know that it’s down to their own stubbornness. Now, before I leave, I ask a favor.”
“Are you really in any position for a favor?” Vance asked.
“I believe I am, given I have yet to make a move against you. Besides, I don’t take favors lightly and I always offer something equally valuable, since I don’t like to owe others. Allow me to speak to the girl privately for a short time. In exchange, I will offer you some information I think you would be interested in.”