Page 35 of Taking Chances
It wasn’t his fake one, this one far too threatening to be his mask. It made me shudder hard, wondering just how I could be expected to survive whatever these men had planned. I’d been the one to agree, the one desperate for this, yet he could make me wonder if it’d been such a good idea.
I’d never been a reckless person, someone more likely to think carefully about my actions, to do as expected from others, to bend to the rules at the end of the day. These men made me feel as though that wasn’t important, though. They made me think that nothing mattered but them, but this moment, but having this with them.
I knew how fast life stole away the things that mattered, had experienced the crushing loss when the universe took those closest to me, and I wouldn’t let them slip away—not without savoring every last memory and moment with them.
The bed shifted, causing me to look up and find Tor crawling onto the mattress near the headboard. He’d stripped down to nothing, not bothering to leave his pants on as the others had.
The fact drew a grin from me—especially because I had to admit—his body impressed me. It was different from the others, leaner but no less strong, his skin a darker color, his golden eyes bright and catching the light.
He caught my arm and tugged softly so I sat up and rolled toward him, now kneeling on the bed before him.
The intensity and need in his gaze unnerved me, until he gave me a gentle smile as though to reassure me. That quiet way he had drawn me closer, made me lean in to brush my lips to his, wanting to feel him against me.
He gave me the kiss I needed, but it didn’t last long. Instead, he leaned against the headboard and shifted me, my back to him. His long, agile fingers easily undid the fasteners of my bra, the band loosening. He pulled the shirt from me, over my head, then did the same with the bra. It left me entirely naked, and meant I felteveryinch of him when he tugged me back by the hips and fitted me against his chest.
His heart beat hard enough that I felt it where we were pressed together, and his hard cock nestled against my lower back. He reached forward—his arms long enough to wrap around me—and he grasped my inner thighs, near my knees, then spread my legs open.
He kissed the side of my neck, the touch like a burn, as though he’d branded me. I tilted my head, giving him all the access he wanted.
“Mine,” he whispered, his voice soft and possessive and just as dangerous as the man himself. That one word, that one declaration stole my thoughts away, so all I could do was nod in agreement.
Yes, I wanted to be his. I wanted him not to fight this, for none of them to fight this, for them not to reject me or push me away anymore.
Something brushed against my thighs, further up than Tor’s grasp, causing me to snap my eyes open.
Vance rested there, between my legs, a smirk on his lips as he moved his hands up to the juncture of my thighs. I shivered, instinct making me try to snap my legs closed, but Tor’s hands kept me from hiding.
Vance laughed softly and leaned in and lapped at my drenched cunt, the feeling of his tongue on me already familiar and welcome. In fact, it seemed as though he’d already taught my body about this, because I reacted instantly.
My body heated more, straining toward relief, prepared as if it already knew where he would take it.
“Good girl,” Char said, that compelling voice of his reaching out to me like the darkest of whispers. He sat on the corner of the bed, his pants gone now—I had no idea when he’d done that—and his hand wrapped around his cock as he watched.
His gaze was just as hot as his voice, as the sight of him stroking his dick. “You need to let Vance there get you off so you’re ready. You see, you wanted this, you wanted us to fuck you, right? That’ll be far easier on you if you’re relaxed. So just lie back and let him work, let him make you come, because the sooner you do, the sooner you’ll get your first cock of the night.”
First cock of the night.
Never had I expected to hear those words, and despite the embarrassment of something so blunt, they served their intended purpose. His statement, combined with Vance’s lips, with the subtle rocking of Tor’s hips that ground his cock against my back—it all tossed me over that edge.
My eyes slid closed as I came hard, everything going dark, like a channel changing on a television, something that shorted the world out around me. My hands flew out wildly, one going to Vance’s head, the other gripping someone to my side—I was too far gone to even know who it was.
I rode out that orgasm, each rise and fall crushing and overwhelming and shattering to my sense of self. It was like my body wasn’t even my own anymore, as though I wasn’t the person I’d always been.
When the orgasm subsided, when I was nothing but a quivering mess, a hand on my cheek forced my eyes open.
Hayden smiled at me, making me realize they’d shifted. I was still against Tor, but Vance had moved and Hayden now knelt between my thighs, his palm against my cheek, his expression gentle. “You still sure?”
I nuzzled against his palm then nodded, the answer easy for me. I couldn’t possibly back out, not now, not when I had what I wanted so badly so close.
He smiled warmly. “Brave girl. You sure outlasted us, huh? Been turning you down all this time, trying to keep my head on straight, and here we are anyway. I’ve taken on the most dangerous criminals, but I was brought to my knees by one little girl.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine as he moved his fingers to my pussy, sinking two of them into me. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I pulled back from my kiss with Kenz and stared down at her body, unable to believe I was here, touching her like this. Sure, we’d agreed, and I’d come to terms with it—mostly—but it still didn’t feel quite real.
Kenz was so far above what I deserved. She was stunning, young, strong, powerful and I was a man in that past-his-prime group where I could still recall my glory days because they were just barely past.
Tor had released Kenz’s thigh and reached his hand out. I frowned for a moment until I saw what he held out to me. I took the foil wrapper, thankfulsomeonehad thought this through.