Page 88 of No Pucking Way
“What?” I asked incredulously, looking over his shoulder like Carter was going to appear at any minute.
“This was all a joke. They wanted to embarrass you and leave you with a huge bill. But then Carter saw the hostess…and…” He sighed and glanced away as if he couldn’t bear to say the words.
“He saw the hostess and what—”
“That phone call…that was him giving an excuse to leave so he could fuck the waitress in the bathroom.”
What was the word for what I was feeling right then?
White hot shame and disgust.
“But why would he do that?” I whispered, pulling on the skirt of my dress anxiously. “I don’t understand.”
Greyson gently grabbed me by the arm and started walking me back towards the elevators I’d arrived in. “He and his friends are assholes like that. They thought it would be a funny joke to play. They do these sorts of things all the time.”
I was walking willingly with him, but there was a numbness spreading through my veins like I’d been dipped in a cold bucket of water and my body was slowly dying.
I stopped before we made it across the dining area.
“I still don’t understand,” I said stupidly. “He seemed so—”
“Have you ever seen that movie,She’s All That?” Greyson asked, urging me forward once again.
“Yeah,” I said slowly.
“That’s what they like to do. Get girls to fall for them…and then they embarrass them. They’re the worst kind of assholes, Kennedy. I’m so fucking sorry.”
We’d made it to the hostess stand…but she was nowhere to be seen.
“Probably cleaning herself up,” he murmured, leading me to the elevator and pressing the button, his posture tense.
“Is he still here?” I asked in a high pitched voice. “Is he still fucking her in the bathroom right now?”
My voice sounded shrill and scary in my ears. I was quite possibly having a mental break. I just couldn’t understand how someone could be so fake. How he could act the way he did. Say the things he did.
And be that awful of a person.
Greyson stared at me, an almost pitying look on his face that made me want to shrivel up and cry. “He left, sweetheart.”
Right. He’d already said that.
The elevator doors opened and I walked through them, staring unseeingly at my reflection in the mirror as the doors closed behind me.
“How did you find out?” I whispered, suddenly hating the dress I was wearing. After tonight, I was going to burn it. Carrie would understand. I’d pay her back.
“I always have my ear to the ground. It’s been in the gossip rags the guys were interested in someone–I obviously knew that was referencing you. It didn’t take much to find out their plan.”
“But how? Like, did you tap their phone? I don’t understand?”
I was a simple girl. I’d woken up five years ago with no memories, and therefore no baggage. I went to work, I did my job, I tried to be nice to people, I tried to be a good friend…this kind of thing—it was beyond my comprehension. This didn’t happen in my simple little world.
But I guess going to Paris and fancy restaurants, and stupidly hot hockey players bidding half a fucking million on me to go on a date—that didn’t happen either.
“Do you really want to know how I found out?” he asked gently, tilting up my chin to look at him since I’d been staring daggers into the ground, apparently.