Page 12 of Yours Actually
We get into a discussion about just how deeply Rhodes knows all of Sasha’s distress signs and how he always helps her through her anxious moments.This leads us back to the dress she’s concerned is over the top and in the end she decides this dress really is the one for her.
“Thank fuck,” Blair says after a half-hour conversation.“Now, can we order dinner?I’m starving.And Rhodes and Callan will be here any minute, and you guys know they get hangrier than me when we keep them waiting for food after they’ve been to the gym.”
“Wait,” Sasha says.“I want to talk to Olivia about the dress she’s wearing to my wedding.”
I groan silently because my dress selection has become a debacle that I don’t want to add to Sasha’s worries.“My dress is sorted.”I fake smile.“It’s gorgeous and I love it!And Blair’s right about the guys.We need to order food.”
Blair gives me the look that saysthat was way too much and no one is buying it.
Sasha gives me the look that says she’s absolutely not buying it.“I feel responsible for this and I have a solution.”
“Why do you feel responsible?”I ask.
“Because if I hadn’t just gone along with Rhodes’s mother’s ridiculous stipulation that he only have his brother as his groomsman and I only have my sister as my bridesmaid, you’d be in the bridal party and wearing a bridesmaid dress.”
“Good god you worry too much,” Blair says.
Sasha ignores her.“I have a dress I’ve never worn that I think would be perfect for you.”
“Ahh, Sash, have you taken a look in the mirror lately?”I ask.“There’s no way I’ll fit into one of your dresses.These curves would blow it out before I even got it on.”
She smiles brightly.“Nancy can fix that!I want you to try it on now and let her work her magic.It’s going to look amazing on you.”
Before I can stop her, she’s retrieved the dress from her closet and is forcing it upon me.And Blair is encouraging her.
“Stop it,” I mutter to Blair when Sasha leaves the bedroom to take a call and Nancy goes to the bathroom.“There’s no way this dress can be altered to fit me.”
“I think it can.Just try it.Nancy’s like a magician when it comes to dresses.You know this.”
“I know you’re being difficult tonight.”
“I’m hungry.We all know I can never get hungry or bad things happen.And I also don’t want to be dragged through the city for weeks while you search for a dress.I think this one might work.”
I look at the dress again.It’s a soft pink chiffon dress that is flowy and super feminine.In my opinion, though, the long slit that falls from mid-thigh level revealing one leg almost completely is maybe a little too much for a wedding.
“You don’t think it’s too sexy for a wedding?”I ask.
“No.Just try it on so I don’t have to starve tonight.”
“Fine.But I’m pretty sure this will not be the dress I wear to the wedding.”
I change into the dress and Blair is in the middle of fighting with the zipper at the back when Sasha returns.
“Oh my god, that color is perfect for you!”
I meet her gaze.“The color might be, but there’s no way we’re even getting close to my boobs fitting in this.”The dress is strapless and my breasts are spilling out of it every which way.
“A different bra will help.”
“Different boobs would help.A bra can’t solve everything on its own.”
“Olivia!”Nancy calls out from the living room.“Your phone is ringing.”
I smack Blair’s hands away from the zipper, which is never going to do up, not even if she keeps trying.“This dress isn’t going to work.”
Sasha moves in close and stops me when I attempt to take it off.“Please let Nancy see.She’ll let us know if she can alter it.”
One of my downfalls in life is Sasha when she asks something of me that I really don’t want to give.She’s the sweetest, most thoughtful, and caring person I know, and rarely asks for anything.I can’t say no when she does.