Page 25 of Yours Actually
He nods.“I just hope the hangover isn’t as bad as the last one Sasha had when these two decided shots were the best thing of life.”
That was about six months ago and Olivia told me she was done with shots forever after she took a day to recover from the worst hangover she’s ever had.
I scan the bar until I find her.She’s laughing with Sasha as the bartender makes their shots, and I think about everything she’s just shared with me.I feel like a real asshole for being oblivious to it all.I’ve never gotten the vibe she was withholding information, but maybe I’ve just been so self-absorbed that I missed the signs.
“I ten out of ten don’t rate a Three Wise Men,” she says when she returns.Pulling a face, she adds, “I like whiskey but not that much at once.”
“Oh my god!”Sasha exclaims as a new song starts.Grabbing Olivia, she says, “I love this song!”
I eye Rhodes and we exchange afuck meglance.We both know where this afternoon is ending.
An hour later, I’ve got Olivia tucked safely under my arm with her head resting against my chest as I guide her down the corridor from the elevator to her hotel room.
“I don’t feel good,” she complains, her voice filled with regret.“Why did you let me drink so much?”
I chuckle.“We both know that when you decide to do something, I haven’t got a shot in hell at changing your mind.”
“That’s not true,” she mumbles into my jacket.
I use her keycard to open her door and then get her to the bed where she collapses in a heap.The suitcase that was on the bed last night is now on the floor with her clothes lying in a cluttered mess around it.
“What’s going on with your suitcase?”I ask.This mess is so unlike her.
She lifts her head to glance at it.“You.”
I shrug out of my jacket and hang it over the back of a chair.“Me?”I undo the top buttons of my shirt as I watch her and wonder if she’ll give me an answer that makes any sense.
She rests her head on both her hands and curls into a ball.She looks like she’s wishing for death.“I’m in a flap and it’s all your fault.This season was not a good idea.Doing weddings with you is too much, but Blair got her way and here we are, and I’m all messy.”
I still.“What do you mean that this season was not a good idea?”Fuck, she’s drunk and I’m taking advantage of the situation, but I need to know if what I think she’s saying is what she’s actually saying.
She flings an arm in the air in my direction while she mumbles into her hand.“That suit is too much.I can’t think straight.I want to take it off you.”
My mouth goes dry.
I back up against the desk and grip it hard to steady myself.
I’m lost in this disclosure when Liv lurches forward off the bed and rushes into the bathroom.When I hear her vomiting, I head in there to make sure she’s okay.
She hears me come in and tries to get me to leave.“I’m okay.You don’t need to—” Her words are cut off when she vomits again.
I move behind her and gather her long hair that’s hanging loosely in soft curls into my hands.The last thing anyone wants is their hair coated in vomit.
“Ugh,” she groans as she straightens and reaches for a washcloth, fumbling and unable to pick it up.
“Here, let me get it.”I take it from her and flick the faucet on so I can wet it.
She places the toilet seat down and sits.
I glance at her as I let her hair go and wet the washcloth.“Are you okay?”
“I think so.”
I turn the faucet off and crouch in front of her.“Do you want to wash your face or do you want me to?”