Page 35 of Yours Actually
“I’m on my way!”Olivia says just after one p.m.on Friday afternoon.“If everything goes to plan, I’ll only be five or so minutes late for the spa.”
She sounds breathless like she’s been running, which I highly doubt.Liv wears heels everywhere.And also, she’s not a runner.She swears running was created by the devil.
I don’t think too much about this, though, because I’m currently staring at the queen bed in our suite.It’soursuite because the hotel screwed up and didn’t book a room for me.When this mistake was discovered upon my arrival, they fixed the problem by giving us an upgraded suite.With only one bed.
I pull at my tie to loosen it and bring my focus back to my conversation with Olivia.“I’ll see you when you get here.”
It’s been a long week of rumination for me while I was away for work.After trying to put all the thoughts from my mind that Gage stirred up, I soon came to the realization that I can’t put Olivia out of my head.She lives there permanently and with ease.
She’s there when I wake every morning and wonder if she slept well.
She’s there when I get dressed and imagine what it would be like to share a bedroom with her.When I imagine watching her dress, fix her hair, apply her make-up.
She’s there when I come home from a long day and think about how much I’d like to come home to her.
And she’s there first thing in the morning, mid-morning, at lunch, mid-afternoon, and throughout the night when I’m playing out all the ways I’d peel her clothes from her, kiss her, and make her come.
This queen bed may be the death of me.
After we end our call, I look through the welcome basket Charlene and Joe had delivered to the suite.I find an assortment of gifts inside, including T-shirts, a sleep mask, a candle, chocolates, a bottle of champagne, and fruit.I open the envelope that has information inside regarding the spa afternoon Olivia’s attending.I don’t intend on reading it once I see what it’s about, however at the very top, written in bold is a message that Charlene would like all the girls to arrive earlier at 1:45 they can give the therapists their massage requests.
I pull out my phone and send Joe a text.
I can’t make golf at 1:30 now.Can we push it back half an hour?
I’ll check with the guys and get back to you.If not, just come late.
If there’s one thing I know about Olivia’s visits to the day spa, it’s that she has many preferences.Since she won’t be able to arrive early to detail her requests, I’ll make sure the therapists have the information so she can just go straight into her massage and get what she wants.
I spend the next half hour working.I then dress for golf and make my way down to the day spa where I find at least twenty women crowding the small reception area.
“Callan!”Charlene greets me with the widest smile I think I’ve ever seen.She pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tightly.“Where’s Olivia?”
“She’ll be here soon but not in time to let the therapists know her massage preferences.”
“Oh, that’s okay.We’ll figure it out when she gets here.”
I step to the side when a bunch of the women propel themselves forward, squeezing more people into this space than it was made for.Once they move past us, I say, “No, I know what she’ll want, so I can let the therapist know.”
Surprise nudges Charlene’s brows up.“Really?”
“Yeah.”I glance around the room taking in the number of women in here.They’re all wearing matching pink T-shirts that sayBride Squad, white retro pearl heart-shaped sunglasses, and hair accessories that also alert me to the fact they’re part of the bride squad.It’s hectic and noisy.The sooner I get out of here, the better.
“Wow.That’s impressive.Joe wouldn’t have the first clue as to what I like.”
The woman behind the reception desk waves me over.“Hello, Sir.What can I do for you?”
“My friend is coming in for a massage and I want to give you her requests.”
“Absolutely.What’s her name?”