Page 38 of Yours Actually
“They told me you gave them a list of my preferences.”Warmth spreads across my chest as I think about the fact Callan not only remembers how I prefer a massage but that he took the time to go and detail this information for the therapist.“Thank you.And you should know I didn’t bother to correct them that you’re not my husband, which means that any woman here who doesn’t know us thinks we’re married.The receptionist made a big deal to anyone who would listen that my husband is the dreamiest husband of life.Sorry about that.”I’m not really, though.I could get behind keeping up this charade.
He bends to untie his shoelaces and my eyes run down his body, taking in every inch of him.He’s wearing navy golf shorts and a white polo, and I have trouble looking away from his tanned calf muscles.Not to mention his thighs and ass that his shorts are sitting snug against.My imagination is doing a fantastic job of picturing what’s under those shorts.
“They can think what they want,” he says before straightening and toeing off his shoes.“Are you still keen to go to the party tonight?”
Joe and Charlene are holding a party by the pool and while I told Callan I was excited for it, the massage has relaxed me sufficiently that all I can think about is an early bedtime and lots of glorious sleep.
“Are you?”
“I don’t care either way.”
I think about the bed and suddenly sleep isn’t as appealing.I’m intent on Callan sharing the bed with me so the couch doesn’t hurt his back, but sleeping together is the last thing I want to do.I’m going to be a hot mess with him lying right there next to me.
“Let’s go to the party and see what we think.We can leave early if we want to.”
He nods his agreement.“Do you want the shower first?”
“No, you go first.I’m just going to close my eyes for a second.”
He grins.“We both know what that means.”
Yes, usually that’s the signal forI’m actually going to sleep.But not now.“Nope, not today.I want ice-cream by the pool under the moonlight.If you come out from the shower and I’m asleep, wake me.”
An hour later, we arrive for the pool party.I’m lost for words when I see what Charlene and Joe have created poolside.Canopies of fairy lights are strung across each of the three pools while candles of various sizes are grouped and scattered amongst floral installation art around the edge of the space.Bar tables and stools are sprinkled throughout for people to sit at, along with lounges that invite more intimate conversations.Waiters mingle, offering champagne and platters of food.It’s the bar across the pool from us, though, that captivates me.It's a brilliant fusion of installation art and functionality.Vibrant, striking blooms grab attention, bursting forth from below, draping above, and cascading from counters and shelves.Animated conversations and laughter fill the air as people gather around.Every detail meticulously designed, every ornament carefully placed, the bar infuses the surroundings with the most enchanting romantic ambience I’ve ever encountered.
I clutch Callan’s arm.“I need to think bigger for Harper’s wedding.This is amazing!”
He eyes a waiter.“You need to think about eating.I heard your stomach rumble in the elevator.”
“Oh my god, you did not just say that.Don’t you know there are some noises a man is supposed to ignore?”
He ignoresthatand waves the waiter over.Taking a napkin from the man, he places it in my hand and proceeds to pile canapés on it.He then piles even more on another napkin for himself before thanking the waiter.
I look at his mountain of food.“I see you’re even hungrier than I am.”
“No, I ate late this afternoon.Most of this is for you.”He lifts his chin at my napkin of food.“When you finish that, I’ll get you some more.If that rumble I heard is anything to go by, you’re going to need a lot more.”
“If I eat all this and then more, I won’t fit dinner in.”
“Don’t be so sure.”
I playfully smack him.“You started the weekend off well with the massage, but you are fast going downhill.”
There’s a subtle shift in his gaze as I touch him.The tenderness I see is familiar yet carries a distinct depth, evoking the same fluttering sensations he awakened in me earlier this week.“I don’t want you to starve, Ace.”
My butterflies need their radar checked.I’ve spent years searching for a man to wake them up and it has to be said that not one of the men I’ve had a relationship with has excited them as much as Callan is.
“Have you ever known me to starve?”I try to ignore all the butterflies, which is a pointless endeavor.That look in Callan’s eyes has them convinced their excitement is warranted.
“No, and I don’t want to see it now.”He’s glancing around the party like he’s looking for something.
“What are you looking for?”
He continues scanning.“More food.Surely they’ve got more variety than what you have now.”
I reach for him to gain his attention because he’s super intent on all that searching for food he’s doing.“I have more than enough here.Stop looking and have something to eat.”
He meets my gaze before eyeing the canapés in my hand.“Are you sure?I can go find you something else.”