Page 61 of Yours Actually
I laugh and call her.
“Where do you come up with these ideas, Ace?”
“If you knew half the things I’ve heard in my line of work, you’d know where I come up with these ideas.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I didn’t do any inappropriate things to you while you slept.Although, you should expect that going forward now that you’ve put the idea into my head.”
I hear the smile in her voice when she says, “So, how did your meeting go?”
“It was long and not at all productive.I’ve left him with some information to look over before we meet again tomorrow afternoon.”
“I’m sorry you were so tired.”
“That was my own fault.I may not have done anything inappropriate to you, but I did spend all that time thinking about it.”
“Oh, god.”She’s all breathy, which only gets me harder than I already am.
I’ve struggled to remove my thoughts from Liv today, which likely also contributed to my meeting not being as successful as I would have preferred.I was distracted as well as tired.Right now, I’m fighting with myself over talking dirty to her or being a gentleman.I’d fucking love to wrap my hand around my dick while telling her to touch herself, but more than that, I want to hear how she is.
“How was your day?”I ask.
She gives me a rundown of the things she did to prepare for the week ahead.Liv’s Sundays always consist of meal prep and work prep.I sit up straight when she mentions Slade Sullivan.
“Back up,” I say.“Why was Slade calling you on a Sunday?”
“We were going over the interviews he’s got scheduled for the week.”
“And he couldn’t have done that with you tomorrow?”
“Callan.”She laughs gently.“My work is like yours.It doesn’t stick to a Monday-to-Friday schedule.You know this.”
I do.I also fucking know this Slade asshole has little respect for her time.“What I know is that he cuts in on your personal time a fucking lot.”Jesus, my chest is tight with knots thinking about this guy.
“It’s the job.And I don’t mind.I was already doing some work when he called.Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I spent a couple of hours doing some research for Harper’s wedding.I have so many ideas for her now!”
I have to hold my tongue.I’m not a fan of Harper’s.She takes advantage of Olivia and the guilt she feels over Harper’s sister’s death.Olivia is oblivious to this and the few times I’ve mentioned it, we’ve gotten into a disagreement.Right now, she just needs my support, so that’s what I give her.
“That’s great.When will you get a chance to talk with her about them?”
We settle into a conversation about the wedding planning, which leads into us talking about the next wedding we’re attending.It’s not for two weeks, which means no wedding next weekend.By the time we get to that, it’s almost midnight.
“You should go to bed,” I say.“It’s late.”
“Yeah.”She’s saying yes but I hear her conflict over ending our call.
“I don’t want to stop talking either, Liv, but we both need sleep.”
“Before you go…I was thinking about your crisis today.”
“The crisis I wasn’t having.”
“Yeah,” she says softly.“That one.”
“What were you thinking about it?”
“I was thinking…all those times you were acting weirdly with me, was that because you couldn’t stop thinking about me?”
I can’t see the blush I know is heating her cheeks but I can hear it.And I wish she was standing in front of me right now.I want all her blushes and I want them in person.“Yeah.And Liv?”