Page 80 of Yours Actually
“I’ve seen ultimatums get out of control fast.They’re poison.”
Callan’s being super serious now and I slow myself down so I can pay close attention.“With people you know?”
His eyes bore into mine.“With Ethan and Samantha.”
This is news to me.“What happened?”
“When they first started dating, she gave him the ultimatum that he either spend more time with her or he spend no time with her.That was why he began spending less time with our family, and it was also why she continued issuing him with ultimatums throughout their relationship.She knew he’d always do what she wanted.She manipulated the hell out of him and he was oblivious to all of it.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Yeah.”He appears lost in his thoughts.And in his anger.
I reach for his hand.“I’m sorry she came between the two of you.”
“Yeah, me too.”
He’s silent for a few moments before pulling me onto his lap and kissing my neck.“I don’t want to spend our first date dwelling on this.Tell me about your remodel.Tell me why you’re hellbent on not giving yourself what you really want.”
I pull my face back so I can look into his eyes.“What do you mean?”
“Come on, Liv, we both know what you really want is a fancy bath that overlooks the city, a walk-in closet that’s larger than my bedroom for all those red shoes of yours, and a library for your books and planners.And yet, your remodel doesn’t allow for any of those things.Why not?”
“Those things are expensive.”
He doesn’t say anything; he simply waits for me to elaborate.
“They are!I’m remodeling to a budget.”
His arms tighten around me.“Why?And don’t tell me you don’t have the cash.You do.”
“Well, I don’t now since I just lost a stack of it.”
“Bullshit.”His eyes search mine.“Give yourself what you want, Ace.You deserve it.And from what I’ve seen so far, barely any work has been done so far.I’m sure they could rework the plans.”
Callan’s right.I can afford a more expensive remodel.However, I can’t bring myself to spend that kind of money.I mean, losing money on my stocks only reinforced this belief.
“Do you know what I deserve?”I lean into him.“I deserve at least two more orgasms tonight and I want you to be the man to give them to me.”
His eyes flash with that possessive fire I’ve come to adore.“I better be the only man on your list for that job.”
I smile into his neck as I press a kiss there.“Do you think you have it in you?”
“I know you’re deflecting and I’ll allow it because I want my mouth on your pussy, but just know this conversation isn’t finished.”
I don’t doubt it.Callan has always been intent on ensuring I have everything I want.I imagine he’ll double down on that now that he’s made me his.And now that he’s become all bossy.
I smile to myself as I think about the fact I won’t allow him to boss me into everything.I see a lot of him feeling frustrated ahead.And goodness if that won’t mean a lot of hot sex ahead too.
I think I might just live for defying this man.
“Do we have to leave this bed?”I snuggle back against Callan early Friday morning.“I’m too tired for work today.”
He kisses my shoulder while he spoons me, tightening his arms around me.“You want me to call Hayden and tell him you’re taking the day off so you can suck my dick?”