Page 94 of Yours Actually
I stand on the sidewalk and watch as he pulls back out into traffic.I ignore the heat for a few minutes while I watch his car and think about him.
I think this man would do almost anything for me and that thought has me pressing my hand to my stomach to settle all the feelings I have over that.I can’t even begin to pick my way through those feelings, but there’s alot.Happiness, excitement, joy, anxiety, uncertainty.I need to plan for some thinking time because my mind is beginning to feel a little full and overwhelmed thanks to all those feelings.
My morning is chaotic.After the shambles of last month when the firm lost clients thanks to Ryan and Penelope, we’ve brought in a lot of new clients this month.I finished working with Mace Hawkins when he walked away from his team to rebuild his marriage.I also finished working with Slade Sullivan when the team told him they were happy with the work he’s done on himself and his career.He texts me often and keeps me updated on his relationship with Christa.The last text let me know they’ve been dating for weeks and getting to know each other properly after their original whirlwind period of getting to know each other.My new clients aren’t athletes, but they’re keeping me just as busy.Today, particularly so.
I text Callan just before our regular eleven
I’m too busy for our call today.But the great news is you get me for an entire afternoon drive and then a whole weekend.How lucky are you?
If I was the boss of you, I’d order you to call me regardless.
I’m so glad I decided a long time ago to never get a boss.
You owe me, Ace.
Like, what are we talking here?A handjob?Blowjob?I’m not doing either of those while you’re driving this afternoon if that’s where your brain has gone.
Fuck, you’re filthy.I was thinking I could steal you away for a few hours tomorrow morning for time alone to talk, but I like your ideas better.
It’s settled then.I’m the boss of us.
You always have been, baby.
Lunch comes and goes without me stopping to eat.And then, just after lunchtime, everything starts to go wrong.
Callan calls and I hear his stress straight away.
“I’m not going to be able to get away until later today.”His voice holds both his stress and his apology.
“What’s happened?”
“My CFO has just hit me with some reports that show I’ve got a problem in Canada.I need to go over everything today.”He blows out a long breath.“I’m sorry, Ace, but I can’t put this off.”
“It’s okay.And honestly, I’ve got a lot of work that I should do today, so this works for me.”
“You don’t have to wait for me.You could drive with Gage and Luna.”
“No, I want to go with you.I don’t mind waiting.”
We agree that he’ll keep me updated and let me know what time we’ll likely leave.I then get to work trying to complete everything I have to.It’d be great not to have to do any work over the weekend.
Callan texts around five p.m.and lets me know he should be ready to leave in an hour.I call it a day and decide to go to my place and find my hat.I’m on my way there when Slade texts me.