Page 99 of Yours Actually
Callan helps me clear the table and load the dishwasher.I then grab the board game I bought and Kristen and I set it up at the table.
“Right,” I say once everyone is settled and ready to begin.“This is like R-rated Pictionary.”
Gage leans forward, interested like I knew he would be, but still making out like he isn’t.“You know none of us can draw, Liv.”
“That’s the fun of it, Gage.Now, pair up and get excited.”
It only takes the guys ten minutes to really get into the game.I think it’s the meat curtains that Gage has to draw for Hayden that does it.Or maybe it’s the queef that Bradford has to draw for Kristen.Either way, we’re all soon laughing and madly drawing naughty pictures for each other while the guys’ competitive streaks kick in.I love a good competition myself, but I’ve honestly never come across four men more competitive than these Black brothers.
“What the fuck is that?”Hayden asks Gage halfway through the game, looking at the scribbles on the paper in front of the two of them as the timer ends.
Gage looks at his brother like he’s an idiot.“Blue balls.How the fuck did you not get that?”
I laugh as I eye the naked stick figure with large hanging balls set against the sky.It looks like the stick figure is floating amongst clouds.Gage has drawn arrows between the balls and the sky, and I see his meaning now, but I’m not sure I would have guessed blue balls from the drawing.
My phone buzzes with a text while we’re all laughing over Gage’s blue balls.
I check it and find a message from Slade.
Do you like these ideas?
I tap the file he’s sent me and scroll through it, finding new plans for my remodel, along with photo examples of his ideas.
“What’s that?”Callan asks.
I hold out my phone to him.“I haven’t told you yet, because…well, because I really didn’t want to think about it, but my contractor has ruined my remodel.Slade was there when I discovered this yesterday and he’s offered to help fix it.”
His brows pull together.“Slade was at your place?”
“Yes.Long story, but he wanted to show me some engagement rings he’s looking at.”I put my phone in his hands, wanting him to focus on the remodel more than the fact Slade was at my condo.“Look at the photos of what my bedroom looks like at the moment.”
“Fuck,” he says as he scrolls through the photos.
“What is it, Liv?”Bradford asks.
Callan looks up.“Her contractor has fucked her remodel.”
They pass my phone around the table and all take a look.None are impressed.
When the phone comes back to me, I hand it back to Callan.“Check out Slade’s ideas.I mean, he’s gone overboard, but I like some of what he’s suggesting.”
“I’m not following.Why is Slade making suggestions?”
“His father is a contractor and Slade worked for him when he was younger.He showed me the remodel he did for his father earlier this year and it was impressive.”
He looks through the file Slade sent me and surprises the heck out of me when he says, “There are some great ideas in here.”
I stare at him.I thought for sure he’d have something to say about me considering Slade for this job.
Before I know what he’s doing, he’s tapping out a reply to Slade.The two of them then engage in a few minutes of texting.I just watch with shock.
When he’s finished, he gives me the phone.“I made some more suggestions.He thinks they’re great ideas too.He’s going to rework the plans tonight and get back to you tomorrow.”
I arch my brows.“So, what, you two are just taking over now?”
He grins.“I have to take the opportunities when they arise, Ace.”