Page 46 of The Maid
Suddenly, I feel clammy and cold, like I’m about to faint.
Detective Stark purses her lips, bides her time. Eventually, she says, “If you know something, now’s your chance to be on the side of good. You do understand that Mr. Black was a very important man? A VIP?”
“No,” I say.
“Excuse me?” Detective Stark replies.
“I don’t believe that some people are more important than other people. We’re all very important in our own way, Detective. For instance, I’m sitting here with you—a lowly hotel maid—and yet clearly there is something very important about me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought me here today.”
Detective Stark is listening carefully. She zeroes in on my every word.
“Let me ask you something,” she says. “Does it ever make you angry? Being a maid, I mean? Cleaning up after rich people? Taking care of their messes?”
I’m impressed by this line of questioning. This is not what I was expecting at all when I was escorted here.
“Yes,” I answer truthfully. “I do sometimes feel angry. Especially when guests are careless. When they forget that their actions have an impact on others, when I’m treated like I don’t matter.”
Detective Stark says nothing. Her elbows remain on the table, which continues to grate on my nerves even though it’s only officially a breach of etiquette when there’s a meal being served.
“Now let me askyoua question,” I say. “Does it ever botheryou?”
“Does what ever bother me?”
“Cleaning up after rich people. Taking care of their messes,” I say.
The detective pulls back as though I’ve sprouted the head of Hydra and one hundred serpents are hissing in her face. What pleases me, though, is that her elbows are no longer on the table.
“Is that how you see this? That my job as a detective is to clean up after a man has died?”
“What I’m saying is that we’re not so different, when it comes down to it.”
“Is that so?”
“You want this mess cleaned up, and so do I. We both seek a tidy closure to this unfortunate situation. A return to normalcy.”
“What I’m seeking is the truth, Molly. About how Mr. Black died. And right now, I also want to know the truth about you. We’ve uncovered some interesting information in the last forty-eight hours. When we spoke the other day, you said you didn’t know Giselle Black particularly well. But as it turns out, that’s not true.”
I won’t give her the satisfaction of flinching. Giselle is my friend. I’ve never had a friend like her before, and I’m acutely aware of how easy it would be to lose her. I consider how to protect her and tell the truth at the same time.
“Giselle has confided in me in the past. That doesn’t mean I know her as well as I’d like. Mr. Black definitely had a temper. It was hard not to notice Giselle’s bruises. She confessed he was the cause of them.”
“You do realize we’ve been talking to other employees at the hotel, right?”
“I would have expected as much, yes. I’m sure you’ll find them very helpful to your investigation,” I say.
“They’ve told us a lot. Not only about Giselle and Mr. Black. But about you.”
I feel my stomach twist. Surely whoever spoke to Detective Stark would have been fair in their commentary, even if I’m not their cup of tea? And if the detective consulted Mr. Snow, Mr. Preston, or Rodney, she would have received a glowing report on my employee conduct and general reliability.
A thought occurs to me. Cheryl. She was “sick” yesterday—though probably not so sick that she couldn’t make her way down to this very station.
As if reading my mind, the detective says, “Molly, we’ve been talking to Cheryl, your supervisor.”
“I do hope she was helpful,” I reply, though I highly doubt she was.
“We asked Cheryl if she ever cleaned the Blacks’ suite when theystayed at the hotel. She said that for a while she did clean their suite alongside you. It was her way of maintaining quality control and keeping her maids sharp.”
The acid builds in my stomach. “It was her way of siphoning off tips that were meant for those who do the work rather than for those who stand around watching,” I say.