Page 39 of Shadowed Heart
I look deep into his eyes and take in his expression, this monster who has become as important as the others. “You promise?”
He smiles, revealing sharp teeth. “With every fiber of my being, little oblivion,” he says softly. “You will never be alone again.”
We are out gathering mushrooms when we hear voices and horns.
The sound of a successful hunt echoes through the trees, one I heard many times in the Shadow Lands, only that sound doesn’t belong here. Neither do the humans making it. Without hesitation, Rook wraps his shadows around us, concealing us as we crouch together on the verge of the meadow, our foraging basket forgotten.
After my date with Weyland and my display of magic, I needed some normalcy, so when we finished our chores, we set out to forage. My mind still whirs with what happened and Rook’s implication that my magic will grow—not to mention my lips still tingle from Weyland’s kiss. My skin aches as if he has brought it back to life, and now, every time I look at one of them, I can’t stop my eyes from falling to their lips as I imagine them kissing me, touching me, and making me feel alive again.
My mind clears, however, when I see the hunting party emerge from the trees. Five human men laugh and joke,their clothes speckled with blood, as they wander toward us, completely unconcerned. It’s only when they are halfway across the meadow that I see what they are carrying between them. Skewered on a huge wooden pole is a creature.
No, a monster.
It has two arms, two legs, a tail, and scaled skin. Its eyes are open and unseeing, its blood dripping to the ground as they walk.
My mouth parts on a gasp that Rook covers as I watch them drop the monster to the ground without ceremony, letting his body smack and roll. One even kicks him, defiling him in death, proving yet again who the real monsters are.
I hoped we were wrong, that it was one rogue party hunting monsters that we killed and stopped, but the evidence is before us. Humans are crossing into the Dead Lands and killing monsters.
Monsters like those that surround me, protect me, and care for me.
Monsters that might have family, children, and loved ones.
My sadness and worry turn to anger that I can’t seem to contain no matter how much I try. I’m so very tired of innocents suffering and dying at the hands of men. Before I know it, I’ve risen to my feet with a strength I wasn’t aware I had.
“Kai,” Kaito hisses, reaching for me to pull me back down into the shadows, but I am done hiding.
It’s time someone stood up for those who can’t.
I stride from the shadows Rook provides, hearing them scrambling after me, and when I stop before the humans, the shadows fall away like a curtain. I feel the heat of my monsters at my back and it gives me strength. “What are you doing?” I demand.
All five of the human men spin, their eyes widening as they take in the monsters and then me. I see one reaching for acrossbow, but Dade plucks it from his hands and snaps it like a twig. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he warns the men.
“I said, what are you doing?” My voice is stronger when I repeat myself. I tilt my chin up, determined to make a point.
The man in the middle, a huge man with a scar through his lip, watches me with dark eyes. “You’re human,” he comments, his thick voice accented strangely. I simply arch a brow and wait.
“I would answer her if I were you,” Weyland says, and when I glance to my side, I see him playing with his claws. The humans shift uncomfortably, sharing glances as they try to figure out how they can escape.
“Hunting,” the big man replies gruffly when it’s clear we’re not leaving. “What about you? Did you get lost . . . or did they steal you?” It’s my turn to remain silent and his eyes narrow. “Come with us. We can protect you from them.”
“Stop messing with the monsters,” I say instead, ignoring his words.
“Is that a plea?” Another male chuckles, amused despite the monsters behind me.
“No, it’s a warning.” I cross my arms in annoyance. “How many of you are hunting here?”
“Enough,” the big man answers, something in his expression giving me pause. Is he telling me so I’ll trust them?
Do they think I’m a hostage here and speaking for the monsters because I’m commanded to?
Either way, I don’t care.