Page 3 of Monster's Past
“Really?” I’m so used to being the strange one that it’s weird to think that might be different now I’m here. No matter what school I went to, there were people who avoided me because they thought I gave off avibethey didn’t like, or someone’s said something about my hair.
“You found out one of your roommates is a gorgon, you don’t think I’m the weirdest thing Blackthorn has to offer, do you?” She’s almost laughing, as if I’ve missed something about the academy I’ve ended up at. Which might be true, I know next to nothing about it other than how excited my parents got when the invitation came.
“I hadn’t really thought about it.” And there’s always a chance that I’ll turn out to be the true oddity considering I have no idea what I am.
“Then you’re in for a steep learning curve,” she says brightly. “This is you, by the way.” She gestures to a classroom door.
“Thanks for showing me the way.”
She shrugs, something she seems to do a lot. “What are roommates for?”
“I have no idea,” I admit. “I’ve never had one before.”
“Then I guess you’ll find out. See you later.” She waves and heads away towards her own class.
I take a deep breath and look at the classroom door. This may not be what I planned to be doing this term, but this is the opportunity I’ve been given, and I’m not one to turn that down. Especially when being here could reveal the answer to who I am.
There’sa surprising amount of chatter in the room as I enter, though thankfully, none of the other students are paying attention to me so don’t notice the shock on my face. Even a cursory scan of the room reveals the truth behind Nati’s words. The people in the room have all manner of horns, brightly hued skin and hair, and I’ve no doubt that’s only the start of what sets these students apart from one another. I’m almost certain I spy a tentacle at the back of the room, but I’m probably imagining it.
I pull my attention away and turn to the front desk where a studious-looking woman with frizzy hair and thick black glasses sits. She looks up, almost surprised to find me standing in front of her.
“Hi,” I say with an awkward wave. “I’m new.”
She nods and checks one of the main pieces of paper spread over her desk. “Anja Greystone?”
She nods again, a contemplative expression crossing her face. “There’s a spare seat over there.” She gestures to the left.
I’m not entirely sure thatover thereis enough direction, but as I look over the desks, I realise there’s only actually one spot free. I guess that answers my question.
I head over to it, trying not to feel as if everyone is watching me despite the fact I doubt anyone is. Most of the other students seem to be paying more attention to their friends than to me. It would have been much better if I’d arrived on time with all the other students so I could have actually met the people I’m supposed to be in class with.
I take a moment to get a good look at the guy I’m supposed to be sitting next to. I’m guessing he’s around my age, but it’s hard to tell with the deep-dark grey of his skin. He pushes some of his dark hair away from his face, revealing a batlike ear sticking out from beneath it. Despite the fact he’s clearly tall and broad, I find the ears almost endearing.
I reach the empty seat and clear my throat, hoping he hasn’t caught me staring at him, though I don’t think so.
He looks up, his dark eyes meeting mine and holding me captive. My pulse pounds in my ear and I’m suddenly very aware of everything around me.
“Hi,” I manage to squeak, trying not to stare, but doing a terrible job at it. I’m not sure what it is about him that has me so enraptured. Maybe his eyes, or the way his dark grey skin only enhances the shape of his jaw. “I’m Anja,” I manage to say as I hold out my hand to him. Though perhaps I shouldn’t do that here. Nati didn’t seem too impressed by it.
Before I can pull my hand away, he reaches out to take it, causing tingles to race up and down me. “Nice to meet you, Anja.” His deep voice perfectly matches everything else about him. “I’m Cethin.”
“It’s good to meet you too.” I let go of his hand, only to notice a disappointed expression flit over his face. I try to ignore it, mostly because I think it’s in my imagination. I want him to be as affected by me as I am by him.
I set my satchel down on the table and busy myself unpacking, mostly so I don’t keep staring at Cethin and admiring how good his uniform looks on him. I don’t want him to think that I’m rude.
I glance at him from the corner of my eye, getting a small smile in return. Heat rises to my cheeks and I wish my hair was loose so I could hide it.
I pull out my chair and make a big show of sitting down.
“All right class,” the professor calls. “We’re about to begin.”
A hush sounds over the room save for a few whispers.