Page 9 of Monster's Past
It switches the side its head is at, making me certain that it understands me.
“I’m Anja.”
It lets out a soft caw, startling me and making me jump.
The expression in its eyes suggests that it isn’t too impressed with my reaction.
“Well, I didn’t expect to be talking to a raven in the middle of the night,” I point out. “If you don’t want me to jump and freak out, then you should find me during the day instead.”
The raven hops about a bit.
“Why am I even talking to a bird?” I mutter. I’m not someone who can talk to animals. I’ve known people who can, but it’s not me. No doubt it’s just because I’m delirious after the dream. “All right, I’m going back to bed,” I say to the raven.
It lets out another caw.
“I need to sleep.”
I shake my head. This isn’t like me at all.
“All right, good night,” I say to the raven, waving to it as if it might understand me.
It nudges its beak against something, as if it’s pushing it towards me. I frown and reach out to pick it up and investigate. A shiny black button sits in the moonlight.
“Is this for me?”
The raven bobs its head.
“I’m not sure I have anything for you,” I admit, putting my hand into my blazer pocket. I know better than to not give a reciprocal trade to a raven.
I pull out a single coin and hold it out to the raven. “This is all I have.”
It cocks its head to the side.
Right. It probably doesn’t understand me. I replace the button with the coin. “For you. Thank you for the treasure.” I run my fingers over the button, feeling weirdly attached to it even if I have no reason to be other than a random raven gave it to me in the middle of the night.
The raven flaps its wings and reaches down to pick up the coin in its beak. For one horrible moment, I think it might choke on it, but that seems unlikely when it was able to bring me the button.
“Goodnight,” I say to the bird.
It hops away and launches itself into the air, flying back to wherever it came from.
I stifle a yawn, trying not to overthink the interaction. The dream still lingers in my mind, but I feel a bit better after talking to the raven. I need to sort out these dreams or I’m going to end up being even weirder than I thought I was in the first place.
The bubbleof dozens of potions all brewing at the same time fills the air. Unfortunately, so does the smell. And while I may not be naturally gifted at potions, someone in the room is even worse if the stench of burned hair is anything to go by.
I cut the bulbous purple root in front of me, the knife slipping and grazing my skin. “Ah.” I pull my hand back, wincing at the pain of the cut and the sting of the citrus-like juice coming from the root.
Cethin freezes beside me, his ears going on alert, almost seeming as if he’s worried. “What happened?”
“I cut myself, no big deal.” I wave my hand around as if to try and make it clear that I’m fine.