Page 156 of The Grand Rise
He walks the length of the sofa to my feet. “Sit up.”
“No please?” I tut playfully, fiddling with the vibrator buttons until it turns on.
“Sit up,” he repeats.
I rise into a seated position.
“Take your dress off.”
I roll my lips and drop the vibrator to my side, doing as he asks and removing it. My bared skin turns feverish as the fire licking inside of me is married with the heat from the flames that dance below the mantle.
I ease back onto the cushions, my nipples pebbling.
I drop my dress to the floor.
Lance takes his time, fingers trailing up my leg, eyes roving my body, before he bends, hand settling against my butterfly-filled stomach as he gently kisses my forehead. “Thank you, Scarlet.”
I reach for the pulsating vibrator, not breaking our stare. Arching my back under his light hold, I leisurely drag it up my inner thigh.
I gasp as Lance’s hand flexes against my stomach as he steps away.
“I need to see,” he tells me, looking down at me from the end of the sofa. “Pretend I’m not here and show me.”
As I reach the lips of my pussy, I angle the vibrator and let the head roam from bottom to top, just like I normally would.
The only thing I change, the only thing I cannot physically do differently, is my eyes. I keep them open when I’d normally close them.
I’d close them and think of Lance teasing me with his tongue as I’d let the pulsating head settle against my clit. I’d think about his tongue dipping and slashing into me over and over as I gently slip the tip inside a little.
I moan, lifting my free hand to palm my aching breasts.
Lance is heavy-eyed where he stands, watching the vibrator that I grasp barely penetrate me. He rolls his lips as if to silence himself, the soft plump skin left with a shine when he frees them.
He ignores me.
It’s not enough.
I need him.
I can’t have him stand over me and watch me and not touch me. I’ll go mad from need. “Please, Lance. Touch me.”
When he only frowns down at me, almost pained, I give in, pushing back into the cushions as I ease the vibrator deeper.
I whimper.
It’s hard and cool against my warmth and nothing like how Lance feels. Nothing like what I want. The only saving grace is the pulsating of the silicone as it brushes over that sweet spot inside of me.
My mind drifts to Lance, eyes focused on him. I imagine his strong body over mine, imagine the warmth from the fire is him, rocking and grinding my hips deep into the cushions. I imagine his hand on my waist, teasing my breasts, his thighs against the backs of mine as he takes another inch, more and more.
He clenches his fist, and I close my eyes, dropping my head back as I circle my hips and drive them down as my hand drives up, not able to get the vibrator deep enough, hating that it’s fake and vibrating and not him.
Knowing I need the pressure at my clit, I twist to lie on my stomach, not caring if Lance can’t see. I slip my hand between my body and the sofa and rock down and deep against it, using the tips of my fingers to hold the vibrator firm.
And then I think of him.