Page 29 of The Grand Rise
The lady nods, grasping her hands tightly on her chest and settling into the bed.
I take a moment at the desk and pull up Mick’s information. He’s not my patient, but I already know that his doctor won’t have any issue with handing him over to someone else.
Around an hour later, I decide to check on him, hoping the time alone might’ve helped relax him.
“Mr Evelly,” I say, waiting outside of the bay.
“Yes,” he replies after a moment, a slight reluctance in his tone.
I ease back the curtain enough that the lady opposite can see inside, then stand at the end of the bed. “We need to continue with your observations now. I think Dr Bondry was fixing you up with some pain medication. I will need to insert a needle into the top of your hand.” I make a fist and show him the top of it. “About here. It should only take me a couple of minutes tops. Would that be okay?”
He tips his chin at me to say that it is.
I turn and walk out of his bay with a smile, throwing the lady opposite a victory wink as I pass.
“Scarlet, thank you so much for taking five for me. You ended up giving him the morphine yourself?”
“Once he calmed down and listened to me, it felt wrong to put on the nurses. Are you okay?”
“No, it’s a good call and the reason I chose to do it myself, too. We need to keep an eye on him.” She looks down at her arm. “I ended up catching myself with the needle.”
I wince. “Yikes.”
She steps around the desk and pulls out her list. “Can you take room three for me tonight? I’m a million miles behind and need to chase down these results. He’s not getting a lot of sleep, and I think it’s because he’s feeling a little stuck. Can you try getting him up and on crutches for me? The last thing that man needs is a DVT because he’s not moving. And no point putting it off ’til morning if it’s what’s keeping him awake. He’s got them in the room ready to go.”
“Room three?”
She smiles and steps closer, hushing her voice to a light whisper. “I know, polar opposite of bay five. He’s gorgeous.” Her smile gets wider. “If you can look past all the war wounds.”
She must miss my attempt to protest and eases off down the corridor toward the exit. I stare after her, my eyes slowly drifting back to the door on my left… Lance’s room.
As I push against the door to room three, I tell myself that the man lying in the bed is just another patient who needs my help. He’s not Ave’s father, not my brother’s best friend, and not the man I once loved.
Lance’s eyes widen when he sees who’s entering his room, and I watch as a small bit of hope tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Scarlet?”
A question.
Why are you here?
Where have you been?
“Hi… I was sent in to help out a colleague. They want you up and out of the bed.” One question down. The other can wait… for now.
“Tonight?” he asks with a frown.
“You’re not going to get out of this place until you’re up and safe on your feet.” I let my eyes roam his face, my toes curling in my trainers as I fight to get a grip on my reaction to even locking eyes with him. “You’re not sleeping,” I add.
And it’s obvious. From the dark circles under his eyes to the way his body screams its exhaustion at me.
I can feel it.