Page 12 of Sweet Revenge
Miya’s thick black hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and she was dressed in the black leather-like armor that she preferred to wear when she was working. Her favored knives were strapped to her thighs, but there was no doubt that she had more weapons on her that were hidden from view.
“Sorry, I’m late. I got your text while I was in the Shifter Realm.”
Aidan frowned. “How did you manage that? Phones don’t work in other realms.”
“Lucifer’s new daughter-in-law gave me a phone I’m able to use in all the realms now. I’m not sure exactly how it works, but Devon is able to merge technology and magic together in a way that has never been done before. The only downside is Luc is now a texter, and it’s getting annoying.”
“That’s unexpected. This day has been full of interesting revelations. I’ll have to visit Hell soon since I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Braxton’s new mate yet,” Devlin said, mentioning Lucifer’s one and only beloved son, Braxton Lightbringer.
“Be careful. Luc and Brax are both extremely protective of the new Princess of Hell. Oh, and since Brax is now the God of Souls, he could definitely ruin your best day if you end up pissing him off.”
“I heard about that.” Devlin leaned forward. “He is now the original God of Souls. A dual god, both light and dark. How very interesting.”
“What’s interesting is watching him rip someone’s soul right out of their body,” Miya said sardonically.
Jordan gasped. “He can do that?”
“Oh, yeah,” Miya confirmed with a nod. “I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Let me tell you, I’ve seen some shit in my long life, but watching Brax tear a soul out even had me feeling a little unnerved. Especially when the body fell to the floor and disintegrated into nothing.”
“Christ, that’s fucked up,” Huxley muttered.
“It’s awesome, and I want to see it,” Murphy said, his eyes bright with excitement. His twin nodded in agreement.
“Figures,” Aidan muttered in disgust.
“See?” Jordan wagged a finger at Autumn. “You could have gotten stuck with a gruesome god power like that.”
“You think killing people for revenge is any better?” Autumn asked dryly. “But yes, I can be very glad I’m not in charge of ripping people’s souls right out of their freaking bodies.”
“Are you going to start killing people now, Tumi?” Declan asked hopefully.
“No!” Autumn shouted, then she realized she had to amend her response. “At least, I’m going to try not to.”
Miya’s silver eyes slid over to meet hers. “I now see why you called an emergency meeting. So, you are the new Goddess of Revenge. Word is already spreading throughout the six realms about you.”
Autumn groaned. “Crap, that’s not good.”
Miya nodded. “You’ll need to learn how to protect yourself since not everyone will be pleased by your ascension.”
Autumn’s shoulders hunched. “Sorry, I know you’re not a fan of the high gods.”
“I have no quarrel with you, young one. It’s most of the ancient high gods that I loathe.” Instead of sitting, Miya braced a shoulder against the wall. “I can train you in basic celestial magic, but you will have to figure out how your own specific god powers work. Unfortunately, no one can really help you with that side of things.”
Autumn groaned and lowered her forehead to the table, tapping it lightly against the wooden surface. Jordan reached out to stroke her hair, then rested her hand on her shoulder.
“What she did today—”
“Was an accident,” Devlin said, cutting Jordan off. “Even if she managed to heal Paul’s arm, that wasn’t planned. She needs to learn how to do something like that because she commands it.”
That made Miya stand up straight again. “You did what?”
“She gave me back my arm,” Paul announced as he walked back into the room with Rachel, who was holding onto his left arm as if it were the most precious thing in the world.
They walked straight over to Autumn, who quickly stood up to greet them. She felt humbled by the love and trust she saw shining in Paul’s grateful gaze and swallowed hard when they both wrapped their arms around her in a tight hug.
Closing her eyes, she gave in and leaned into their embrace. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Better than okay. Thank you,” Paul said, his voice rough with emotion. “I will never be able to repay you for this.”