Page 3 of Sweet Revenge
He had on a pair of black leather pants and an artfully ripped white T-shirt with some sort of silver logo on the front over a black tank underneath. His black leather jacket had several silver buckles on the sleeves and was slung carelessly over the end of the lounge chair he was reclining on. His biker boots had matching buckles, and he had one foot propped up on the chaise lounge while the other leg was stretched out.
His long white hair was partially pulled back at the top, leaving the view of his face unobstructed and showing off a row of silver piercings on both ears. While his features were striking, he almost looked too perfect to simply be considered handsome.
Actually, his flawless beauty was slightly terrifying, but it was the astute, piercing gaze of his glowing gold eyes that reminded her that he wasn’t the type of supernatural she was used to dealing with. As she stared into those glowing gold orbs, she couldn’t help but wonder if her own light brown eyes now looked just as freaky.
He frowned, clearly unamused. “Yes, your eyes are glowing, too, although I wouldn’t call them freaky.”
Her eyes widened. “You can read my mind?”
Shit, that was bad.
His lips twisted into a wry grin. “Since you’re practically shouting your thoughts at me, it’s kind of hard not to. You are going to have to learn to guard your mind around other immortals if you don’t want anyone hearing what you are thinking. Now, take a seat. You look like you’re going to pass out.”
Not giving her much of a choice, he waved his hand and a gust of wind pushed her onto another chaise lounge chair that appeared behind her. She should have said something, but she was too busy trying not to hyperventilate over the fact that she was now immortal. With a shaking hand, she lifted some of the hair that had fallen into her lap and stared down at the long strands in confusion.
She could tell it was hers since it stung when she pulled on it, but her brown hair had only been about shoulder length a little while ago. Now, the dark locks fell down to her waist and had a rich, lustrous sheen to it that could only be described as ethereal. Glowing eyes and hair might be normal in the Celestial Realm, but to her, they were just more indicators that life as she knew it was essentially over.
Being a stranger in one’s own body was an unnerving feeling.
Frankly, it was downright terrifying. She knew she should be grateful, but she couldn’t help feeling a little violated. She’d been transformed without her agreement or approval. Sure, she had been upgraded. There was no denying that fact. But she hadn’t asked to become a god, nor had she consented before it had happened.
And she still didn’t know why she had been chosen.
She knew the male in front of her probably had all of the answers she needed, but she couldn’t figure out exactly where to start since she had a million questions circling in her head.
“Your pool ate my spatula.”
Okay, that was a less-than-stellar opening. She really hadn’t meant to say something that silly. She’d just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, which was clearly something she should have kept to herself.
The male scoffed. “What? Do you want a refund?”
“No, but is there, like, a return policy or something? I don’t know what I did to deserve this…” Since she was at a loss to describe this particular clusterfuck she found herself in accurately, she went with something a little more benign. “…this honor. But can I…like…pass?”
“No, there is no passing in godhood.”
“But I don’t think I’m cut out to be a god.”
For fuck’s sake, why in all the worlds was she whining about this? It had to be because she was still in shock. There was no other way she could explain why she was trying so damn hard to fight it.
“Too late. Clearly, you don’t understand the full extent of thehonorbestowed upon you,” he stressed with a fierce scowl. “This isn’t just a chance of a lifetime. It’s a one in a gazillion chance that someone like you was plucked out of obscurity and chosen to become a god. Accept it and be fucking grateful for it. Besides, you aren’t just any god. You are now the Goddess of Revenge. So, deal with it.”
“Revenge? That’s…”
Utterly ridiculous?
“Seriously, this has to be some sort of mistake. I mean, I can barely defend myself when a customer yells at me in my bakery. How can I be a Goddess of Revenge?”
“NotaGoddess of Revenge.TheGoddess of Revenge,” he corrected. “As in the one and only.”
“The Goddess of Revenge,” she repeated in a whisper.
“That’s right. There hasn’t been a revenge deity in eons. Not since the last one got himself killed after he got drunk with the God of Revelry, and they decided to trespass into the Hell Realm. I warned those assholes not to fuck with Luc, but did they listen? Of course, not.”
She was afraid to ask, but she felt as if she had to. “Luc?”
“Lucifer, the King of Hell,” he clarified.